Chapter 38: The Surprise

1795 Words

         Of course Nolan could have lost control.        But he kept it together. Just barely.        He forced himself to slow his pace. His arms did not want to stay at his sides, but he made them.        Adan was looking very smug. His appearance had hardly changed, as far as Nolan could remember. He was older, yes, but Adan’s signature half-smile, always so charming and successful, was completely the same.        Nolan looked to Yena. His body reacted before he could stop it and in an instant he was holding her in his arms.        She did not try to break away from him. But she put a hand to his chest and very quietly said, “Nolan!” Her face was bright red.        Adan had said, “Little brother.”        It was something he used to say in a whiny, mocking voice when Nolan wa

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