Chapter 79: The b***h is lying

1371 Words

  YENA          I knew the purpose of our visit to the hospital was all about appearances. And that was a very important thing for Nolan and me right now.        But I was being pushed too far. I paced around the waiting room until I couldn’t stand it any longer. It might have only been about a minute, but it felt like forever. I didn’t like thinking about Nolan and Gina being alone in a room together. Even if it was a hospital room. And then I realized I didn’t actually have to allow it. Whatever Gina wanted to talk to my husband about, she could tell him in front of me.        But when I rounded the corner near Gina’s hospital room and heard their voices carrying out the open door, I paused.        I didn’t mean to eavesdrop at first. But then I heard what they were saying

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