Chapter 52: The Storm

1263 Words

 “He was ill, and very poor. He had one son, but he did not want to ask the son to give up everything to take care of him.”        “Wow.” Yena looked down at the letter in her hand. “And you’ve stayed in touch with him all these years since then?”        Nolan nodded. “Yes. He has become… my oldest friend.”        “Why didn’t you just tell me about this?” Yena asked.        “I never wanted him to know who I am,” Nolan said. “I never wanted anyone to know about any of this. I just wanted to be… a regular person to them.”        Yena gave him a sad look.        “I’m sorry,” she said, “but that was not going to last forever. And if these people who care about you will speak up for you right now, it can help us get you out of this cage. And I am going to do that, Nolan, no matter what

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