7: Lila

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Nova and I ran until she physically couldn't go any further. At that point, we shifted, and I dressed, taking over. Nova had gotten us close to a little town. I walked into the town until I found a bus station. I wasn't sure where I was going to go. I lived in a small town in Idaho. I always hated the cold, so looking at the map, I decided to go to Arizona. I remember a time when my dad was really drunk; he had mentioned my mom was from Arizona. I wanted to see if Nova liked the idea of going to Arizona, but she was asleep. She was exhausted from running so far. I bought my ticket and boarded the bus. I didn't have any friends I was leaving behind. The only people who will probably even notice I'm gone are my teachers and the people I work with at the diner. I won't be able to reach out to them, though my dad will be giving everyone a hard time trying to find me. That's one thing I can be sure of. Luckily I hadn't opened a bank account because my dad could never be bothered to go with me and I hadn't been old enough to open an account on my own. So all my money is in my backpack. I should be okay for a little while. The bus only had three other people on it. I was exhausted. I took a lock out of my backpack, locked the zipper shut, put one strap around my arm just to be safe, and used it as a pillow to get some sleep. It took two days to get to Arizona. I spent one day in Phoenix. I had never been to a large city, and it proved to be too much for me, and it made Nova really anxious. We ended up going further north. We went further north. We needed to be somewhere with space where Nova would be able to run and somewhere I could be a little more comfortable. The town we ended up in is super cute. Nova has been so quiet, though. I was giving her space, but I need to talk to her. "Nova, are you okay?" "I will be." She said solemnly "What's wrong?" "It was our mate who attacked your dad. He saved us. He was there, which means he did want us." She says I can hear the hurt in her voice. "Maybe he will find us here," I say brightly, trying to exude confidence in my words. "I hope so, Lila; he would need to be a really strong wolf to track us, though. Most wolves wouldn't be able to track their mate across multiple states, especially when they took a bus. He won't have a strong scent to follow." "Well, I guess we will just have to hope he's a strong wolf or clever enough to find a way to get to us." I don't know how I feel about having an instant soulmate. I might not even like the guy, even if he is the most attractive man I have ever seen. I don't want to upset Nova, so I don't mention that I'm nervous about what will happen if he does find us. We both let the subject go. We need to find a place to stay, which is proving to be really difficult. I'm newly eighteen; I don't have a job, no credit history, no high school diploma, just a driver's license, which doesn't really help with anything. I go into a little diner, which instantly makes me feel at home. It's so cute and smells like cinnamon rolls. I sit down at an empty table and order a coffee, and start using the prepaid phone I bought to look up available rentals near me. My mouth almost hits the floor when I see the cost. It is definitely going to be a challenge finding somewhere to live. I may need to get a tent and a gym membership. At least that way, I'll have a place to sleep at night, and the gym would have shower accommodations. I was just looking at gyms nearby when I heard two women at the table next to me talking about how they were having a hard time finding a full-time caregiver for one of their mothers. They think it'd be a great opportunity, as the job comes with housing. This could be just what I need. "Hi, my name is Lila. I'm sorry to intrude. I overheard you talking, though, and I am new to town, and I would love the chance to talk to you about the job." I sound more enthusiastic than I should. The women give me a strange look. The woman whose mother needs help answers. "You're a rogue." "Yes, ma'am. I do not have a pack. I actually just learned what I am a couple of weeks ago." I say honestly, thanks to Nova, I know what packs and rogues are now, and I'm not about to lie to a potential employer. Nova said she could sense lots of wolves nearby and thought we could be near a pack. Both women look at me in shock. "You just found out you were a wolf, or you just found out you were a rogue?" She asks with curiosity on her face. "Both, actually," I reply simply. The women continue to stare at me more intently now, like they are trying to see if I'm being truthful. After what felt like at least minutes, she speaks again. "Do you have experience as a caregiver?" "No, ma'am, but I am a fast learner. I won't make you regret taking a chance on me." I state promisingly. The woman I have been speaking to introduces herself as Stephanie, and her friend is Alice. Stephanie has a lot of questions, which I answer as honestly as I can and without having to go into too much detail. I tell her I just turned eighteen and needed to move because my father wasn't accepting of what I am. They are also wolves, and there is a pack just twenty minutes outside of town. They want me to consider talking to their alpha when he returns and potentially becoming a part of their pack. I tell them I will think about it. "You will need to meet my mother. If she likes you and approves, then the job is yours," Stephanie says. Stephanie drives me to her mother's house. Her mother is a spitfire, but I like her instantly. Her last three caretakers quit because Betty can be so difficult. I think we get along really well, though. For the first time in a week, things are finally looking up, and the little room I will have is absolutely beautiful. There is a queen-sized bed with white linen, the curtains are pale yellow lace, and the bedroom set is dark oak. Until this moment, I never knew the house I grew up in didn't ever really feel like a home. Something about this house is so comfortable, and I feel at home here and in this sleepy town. It's different from anything I've felt before. Nova loves it. We sit down on the bed, and I grab a cute little stuffed wolf on the bedside table and pull it close to me, and there it is. The smell is faint, but I smell paperback books and rain on the desert ground, with hints of honeysuckle. It smells like our mate.
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