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Betty is wonderful. She is the grandmother I wish I had growing up. Stephanie said she could be difficult, but I haven't found that to be true. Betty is opinionated and likes things a certain way, but who doesn't? Betty doesn't need a lot of care, more, so she needs companionship. I go out and do all the shopping, I keep the house tidy and tend to Betty's garden. Betty likes to cook. I have never had such good food. My dad didn't cook often, so we ate microwave meals and ordered out a lot. I tried cooking for Betty but was horrible at it. She tried one bite, stood up from the table, and dumped the dinner I made straight into the bin. I almost started crying, but Betty laughed and said she's had a lot of bad meals in her time but that my burnt yet raw chicken was probably one of the worst things she's ever been served, and from that point, she's been determined to try to teach me how to cook. After spending time with Betty, I can proudly say that I can now make scrambled eggs only, sometimes with shells in them. I can also make noodles with jarred pasta sauce. It's a start, but I don't think I have felt this proud of myself in a long time. Sitting with Betty enjoying tea, I thought now might be a good time to ask her about being a wolf. I talked to Nova about it, but I haven't had the opportunity to speak to anyone else about what this means. "Betty, would it be okay if I asked you some questions about... ugh being a wolf?" I stammered "What would you like to know?" "Everything I just recently found out I am one. I haven't talked to anyone other than my wolf about it, though. Like do we only shift when Nova needs to protect me? Why is my vision and smell so much better? Why am I always hungry? Nova said we hate a mate, and it's his job to chase us and love us, but what if he's an awful man?" I didn't mean to blurt out all my questions at once, but I'm just curious. I mean, who wouldn't be, though, if you just woke up one day and found out you're a freaking wolf shifter. "Okay, so you know nothing about being a wolf other than what your wolf has told you. Is that right?" "Yes." I nod "Wait, did you say your wolf's name in Nova?" Betty looks at me with vivid curiosity. "Yeah, her name is Nova. She is amazing." Betty looks at me in astonishment. "Lila, would you be able to shift for me? I'd like to meet Nova." I ask Nova if she wants to shift for Betty. She readily agrees. I go into our room and undress, allowing us to shift without ruining what little clothing I have. Once in wolf form, I look in the full-length mirror, hoping to get a good look at Nova. We aren't the same color as our first shift when I looked into the stream, though we are a creamy white now. "Nova, why is our coat a new color?" "Lila, I am a very special wolf. You'll learn more about me in time, but as far as the color goes, we will change color based on our surroundings." "Like a chameleon?" "Yeah, kind of like that. It's to help keep us safe." Nova is done talking to me as she walks us out towards Betty, who stares at us wide-eyed. Betty pets Nova and scratches her behind the ear telling her how beautiful she is. Betty begins to ask something, but I can't hear what it is. It's as though I've been sent to a room within my mind. I can't see or hear anything that is going on. I don't like this feeling at all. I was excited about having a wolf, but I don't want to be a part of this. Could she take over my life? Could I be confined to my own mind to live in this nothingness? I am in a full panic. I don't know if it will get Nova's attention, but it's worth a try. I start screaming, not words, just screaming. I am left alone and I am crying in despair. I have had moments in my life where I felt I didn't have control, but this is a new kind of torture. I have no clue what is happening; is Nova still in wolf form? Has she shifted into my body? I don't like knowing something could happen, and I'd have no idea. I've enjoyed having Nova and being a wolf until now. Right now, I'm worried; maybe this is why my dad wanted me dead, because being a wolf meant I would truly no longer be his daughter. I curl up and cry myself to sleep. I wake up to pain in my body. I'm shifting. Suddenly, I'm naked on the living floor of Betty's house. Betty is sitting in the chair near me. I stand up and go straight to the room to dress. Nova is trying to talk to me, but I don't want anything to do with her. I put up a wall. I will not speak to her. I can't block her out completely no matter how hard I try, but I have muffled her. Storming into the living, I demand Betty tell me what happened. "Oh, Lila, I'm so sorry. Nova needed to talk to me." "What did she have to say that I couldn't hear?" I say furiously. I'm not mad at Betty; I'm just upset with this situation. "Nova, is a very special wolf. You are lucky to have her." "I don't want her. If she is capable of doing that to me, I want nothing to do with this." I spit out. I'm so furious I feel tears streaming down my cheeks. "Lila, Nova just couldn't have you hear all that she had to say. It's for your own protection. You will learn more in time." "No, no, I won't. I'm done. I'm over this." I walk back to my room, shove what little possessions I have into my backpack, slip on some shoes, and start making my way to the door. I will find a way to get rid of Nova. "Wait Lila, please don't leave not like this. There is a lot I do need to tell you." Betty says trying to plead with me. "I'm sorry Betty, I just can't. I can't do this. This whole wolf thing is not going to work for me." I open the front door, ready to leave, and standing on the other side is the man from the diner, my mate. I take one step backwards into the house. My breath hitches, and I stare up into his eyes. "Hello, Lila," He says in almost a whisper, stepping closer to me. I must have let the wall down with Nova because we are stepping toward him, and I feel my canines elongate. I take in a deep breath, smelling him, and I suddenly sink my canines into the soft spot just above his collarbone. Looking up at him, one word leaves my lips: "Mate"
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