4: Lila

1581 Words
It has been few days since the incident at the diner. My dad has been so strange lately. I don't know what his deal is, but he's been super protective, not letting me walk to the bus but driving me to the bus stop or school. When he had his shift at work, he called the house line rather than my cell phone to make sure I was at home where I always am. If he knew how to track my cell phone, I'm sure he would have. He also hasn't been drinking, which, unfortunately for me, means he's super on edge and snapping at me over everything. I wash the dishes too loudly; I use too much laundry detergent, leave my hair on the sink, and don't check in enough throughout the day. All I know is I hope he calms down soon. My birthday is in five days, and my dad has decided to take me on a camping trip to celebrate, which is also weird. We don't do camping trips. I don't even want to go camping, but I also don't want to say no. It's just not worth the fight. The next couple of days went by horribly slowly, with my dad continuing to be strange and overbearing, even stopping in at my work to check up on me. Nova had been quiet, too. That changed last night, though. I had been sleeping in my room, and I woke up because I heard my dad talking to someone. "I don't think so. Gemma swore Lila wasn't one of them." He said to someone on the phone. I usually wouldn't eavesdrop, but Gemma is my mom's name. I don't know much about my mom. My dad has always gotten angry if I asked about her. I know he said she died during childbirth. I've always assumed that's why my dad drinks so much. He doesn't date. I'm sure he's lonely. I think maybe that's why he's been so weird lately. He knows I will be eighteen soon; if I leave, it will just be him. That makes my wanting to leave this place so difficult. I don't want my dad to be hurt more than he already does. Losing my mom had to be hard on him, and then being stuck raising a daughter on his own. "No, I don't think Gemma lied. If Lila were, I would have seen signs by now. Her birthday is in a few days, though. I'm taking her camping, though, just in case. If it turns out Gemma lied, I'll make sure to take care of it." Nova was getting really upset, so I stopped listening and went back to my room as quietly as possible. I didn't want my dad to hear me. I woke up the next morning. It was Saturday, and I didn't work today, and my dad was on shift, which thankfully means I finally get some peace and don't have to tiptoe around him. My dad was gone when I woke up and went into the kitchen. A note on the table was just a reminder to pack for the camping trip and not to go into town and text him if I planned to leave the house at all. Nova was eager to get out and go on a hike. I decided to shoot my dad a quick text "Hey, Dad, I'm going to go on a short hike to break in my hiking boots. I haven't worn them in almost a year and want to make sure I'm ready for the trip." My dad responded almost instantly. "Sounds like a great idea, Lila. I'm glad you are excited about the trip. Take your pepper spray and text me the minute you get back at the house." I replied with a thumbs up. I have hiking boots from last year when I thought I was going to pick up hiking as a hobby. That didn't go far. I realized hiking alone just isn't very fun, and it interfered with my ability to pick up extra shifts at the diner. I went out back of our house and just started walking into the wooded area. I didn't have anywhere in mind but there are lots of little game trails I can follow. Most lead to a creek so I just choose one and go. Nova starts talking about five minutes into our hike. "Lila, I need you to go to the little cave by the creek." "I don't feel like going that far today. I want to enjoy the quiet of the house." I whine "Just please listen. I'm your wolf and I need you to shift today." What on earth is going on with my thoughts today? I have obviously been reading way to much lately. My wolf that's laughable. "Lila, shut up! This is serious. Something isn't right about the camping trip, and normally, you wouldn't have your first shift until your eighteenth birthday, but it needs to happen today." I can feel her pushing on my mind, and something isn't right. It's as though I'm losing control of my body, and she's taking over. My feet move without my permission in the direction of the cave. I don't know what's happening, but something isn't right. I think I might be losing my mind. I don't know anything about my mom's side of the family. I wonder if this is genetic. Maybe I need serious help from a professional. I hear Nova laugh. "Lila, you're not crazy. Everything is going to make sense here very soon. We just need to get to the safety of the cave. We get to the cave and Nova starts going inside. "No way Nova. We aren't going in there. Something could be inside." I say. "If anything was in there we needed to be worried about I'd smell it." she says. I get into the cave, and suddenly it feels very warm, and Nova is telling me to strip out of my clothes. "No! H*ll no. I'm in the cave. We came all the way out here. I'm not undressing in some creepy cave, Nova." I said and can't help the quiver in my voice. "Lila, if we don't undress you will be walking home naked. We need to keep your clothes intact, or it's going to be really obvious something happened out here." She says in a soothing voice. "What is happening out here Nova?" I ask fear strong in my voice. "Lila, please trust me. Have I done anything to hurt you far.?" I think about it. Since Nova popped into my mind, things have actually been better for me. I feel like I have the best friend I always wanted in her. I thought having her is what it might feel like for kids who have an imaginary friend. Mine just came much later in life. I undress and stand in there waiting to see what she wants me to do next. I am hit with a sudden sharp pain that goes down my spine, causing me to fall to the ground with a scream so loud I could shatter glass. "I know it hurts. It won't be like this every time. If we could have waited till your birthday it would have been less painful. I'm so sorry," says Nova. "What is happening?" I cry out "I told you I'm your wolf. You are shifting. It will be over soon. Try to relax as much as you can." She says soothingly. I can't talk anymore. The pain is too much. I think this is what death feels like. I think I might be dying. I have never felt anything like this. I hear cracks and pops as my body twitches and contorts. Then, as quickly as the pain came, it stopped. I lay on the ground afraid to move or even open my eyes. "Lila, you need to get up," says Nova gently. "I don't think I can." "Lila, get up. We don't have much time. We'll need to get you back home to check in with your dad soon." She's right. He will get mad if I'm out too long. I go to push myself up, but something isn't right. Where my hand should be are paws. I have paws. "Nova, where are my hands?" "I told you I'm your wolf." That's all she says. I look around the cave and decide to go look at myself in the creek to see what I look like. Maybe it will just be my face staring back at me, and I'll know this is just me completely losing it. I get to the creek and see my reflection. It isn't my face, though I truly am a wolf. I see a dark brown wolf with copper highlights shining through the sun. My dark green eyes look otherworldly now; they are bright green. I can hear and smell everything around me with a clarity I didn't know was possible. "Lila, go back to the cave now." Nova almost screams. I don't hesitate. I hurry to the cave, and as soon as I'm inside, my body is shifting again. It doesn't hurt nearly as badly this time. Nova keeps telling me to be quiet. I'm on the ground in my own body again and Nova is telling me to get dressed. I don't hesitate. I'm putting on my hiking back when I hear footsteps just outside the cave.
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