The Excitement

1238 Words
“HEY, APOLLO!” Isla greeted her brother who had just come home. She looked at the clock on the wall and it was already five in the morning. “Did you find him?” she asked and went closer to her brother who was now frowning at her. “What? I’m just asking if you find him,” she said and smiled. Apollo nodded which makes Isla’s smile reach her eyes. “Great!’ she exclaimed. “Cut your fantasies to that man, Isla. He’s no good for you. Zero is like your older brother,” Apollo uttered as he walked towards their wide kitchen. “Yeah, right. You told him he will be my last dance?” she asked, excitement-filled in her voice. Apollo then glared at her. “You promised me that you won’t fantasize—” “Big bro, I know right? Anyway, what do you want? Brewed soya beans or hot caramel coffee?” she asked as she walked to the other side of the kitchen. Apollo frowned. “Caramel coffee. You should let the maid do the chores—” “Bro, I’m already big and we only have Nana Norm and she’s already old. You’re diverting the main topic again,” she said and shook her head. “Zero will come and already agreed for that f*****g—" “Bro! No cursing! A baby here,” she interrupted and raised her hand. Apollo arched his brow. “Yeah, our baby. So, don’t you dare have a boyfriend? ‘Kay? You’re too young. You should focus on your studies first.” “Yes, father,” she replied and laughed. Apollo just shook his head. His sister is really playful. She’s a star that gives light to their life. She’s too jolly and always saw things in a positive way. She’s too pure and innocent. “So, Zero—” “Zero again?” he asked and his forehead creased. Isla smiled and gestured a peace sign. “I’m just happy and you knew that he’s my crush ever since—” “Crush or are you already developing something, hmm?” She bit her lower lip and continue what she was doing. “J-Just a crush…” she muttered. “Be sure of it. Focus on your studies, you’ll already be a college student next month. You’ll be staying at the dorm—” “No! I don’t want it. I will be staying in a condo with my best friend. Mom and I already talked about it,” she said and looked at him Apollo heaved a deep sigh. “Bring Nana Norm with you, okay?” “What am I? A five-year-old kid?” she retorted and put the cup of caramel coffee in front of him. She pulled the chair across from him and sit down. “Yes. You’re still a baby to us. You know mom is always busy with those business trips and can’t see you all the time. I have to manage my own company too. I can’t see you all the time either. You’re growing up and we only want the—” “I already know how to take care of myself, Bro. I knew my limitations.” Apollo sighed. “You don’t know how this world works, Isla.” She laughed and shook her head. “I didn’t know that approaching you will bring me to a certain life lesson. Don’t worry, my awesome brother. I will do my best to make you and mom proud,” she uttered. Apollo smiled. “We knew that. And sweetie, you already making us proud always,” he said and winked at her. “Aw. I’m really flattered. Love you.” Apollo arched his brow. “Hmm… it’s unusual of you to say those words to your big bro,” he grinned, “what do you want?” She flashed a smile. “Can I spend a night with Becca?” Apollo frowned. “Sleepover?” She nodded and tried her best to look cute in front of her brother. “Can I?” “No.” “Eh! Apollo, come on. It’s not that I will go somewhere else. Ask Becca if you want to,” she said. “As far as I can remember, you also said that to me about a few months ago. But where did you go? You went to a bar with your friend, disguising as a lady of their right age because you were tall and drank.” “I only did that once. And I swear, we’re just going to bond. You can come if you want to,” she said but a playful smile is lingering on her lips. “Not a single chance.” She then burst into laughter and stopped when her brother is glaring at her. “I’ll stop! But you should’ve seen your face when I’m mentioning Becca’s name.” Apollo sipped on his cup and stood up after. “I’ll go upstairs. Remember what I told you. Stop fantasizing about Zero and no sleepover.” She frowned. “Pretty please?” she said and clasped her palm together. “No.” “Fine! I’ll just invite Becca here.” “No!” She arched her brow. “And why? I’m also the owner of this house and have the right to invite my friend,” she asserted. Apollo pinched the bridge of his nose. “Okay. You can go. But call me when you get there. And please, don’t make it as an alibi again and go to a bar. You’re still a minor, Isla.” She saluted and smiled. “Aye, aye, captain,” she replied. Apollo just shook his head and left the kitchen. When he was gone, she jumped out for joy! “Yes!” Well, she knew that her brother dislikes Becca because he kinda likes her. Well, he always told her that stop fantasizing about Zero. However, Apollo, himself fantasized about her best friend. When she’s done in the kitchen, she climbed upstairs and makes a call to her friend. She dialed her number and with just three rings, she picked up her phone. “Becca!” she exclaimed. “What the hell, Isla!” the lady on the other line uttered, feeling irritated. “Can you just lower your voice?” Isla could imagine how Becca rolled her eyes. “I have good news for you.” “A-huh?” “Apollo agreed and I’ll be there before five. So…” “Perfect! We need to prepare for the gig tonight,” Becca replied. “Yeah, right! And I’m super excited!” Becca laughed on the other line. “Yeah, I can see it through your voice. Anyway, according to my source, Zero will also be there.” Hearing his name makes her heart flutter and her stomach tumbled down. “Great!” “However, there’s a possibility that your brother will be there too.” With that thought, her smile faded. “We need to take precautions then. Anyway, seeing him will be fine though,” she answered. Becca let out a soft chuckle on the other line. “I know. So, see you then.” “See you. Bye!” She uttered and ended the call. She threw herself on her bed and stared at the white ceiling, indulging herself in her deep thoughts.
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