Second Report of Dr. Watson-3

2013 Words

When they were gone we looked out of the window again. Sir Henry had flung it open, and the cold night wind beat in upon our faces. Far away in the black distance there still glowed that one tiny point of yellow light. “I wonder he dares,” said Sir Henry. “It may be so placed as to be only visible from here.” “Very likely. How far do you think it is?” “Out by the Cleft Tor, I think.” “Not more than a mile or two off.” “Hardly that.” “Well, it cannot be far if Barrymore had to carry out the food to it. And he is waiting, this villain, beside that candle. By thunder, Watson, I am going out to take that man!” The same thought had crossed my own mind. It was not as if the Barrymores had taken us into their confidence. Their secret had been forced from them. The man was a danger to the

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