Chapter Seven: Isolde POV

3335 Words

As I put the plates in the dishwasher I keep waiting for the moment I’ll wake up. The moment I get to realise this has all been some fever dream and not the Goddess of Love playing the worst cosmic joke on me. I still can’t believe she fated me to a venatrix. I don’t care that she’s human, I just care that she’s someone who has a deep seeded hatred for all things supernatural. I’m not sure the animai bond can get rid of that much prejudice. If you’re willing to go so far as to kill people because they disgust you so much, I doubt you’re going to willingly change your ways and fall in love with one. As I bend and close the dishwasher I feel a shooting pain in my ribs that has my knees buckling as I clutch my side. I can’t go on like this. I’d love to act like I’m some tough person who just

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