Chapter Seventeen: Isolde POV

4422 Words

“Hey, wait for me!” I shout, quickly wrapping the tablet back in the cloth and locking it back in the chest. I race after Valeria with great difficulty since this stupid bullet graze continues to restrict some of my movements, I think it went a little deeper than originally thought. I really need to ask Alaric to heal it at some point, even though I hate asking him for help. I catch up to Valeria who smirks her sexy smirk at me. Thankfully she’s not mad at me anymore, which is a huge relief. I nearly called her my animai and would have had to go into the whole explanation that our souls are magically bonded, and I’m just not ready for that. As far as she has come and as open-minded as she is becoming these days, I’m scared the moment she learns magic is responsible for this connection we

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