Chapter Twenty Two - Where's Stan?

2252 Words

 Chapter Twenty Two–  Where’s Stan?   The sharp pain in Izzy’s back resonated up into her shoulders her ribs hurt so much she found it difficult to get a full breath without wincing, her lungs felt like they were burnt, and her throat was very sore and scratchy. Izzy lay staring at the ceiling, wanting the doctors to hurry up and let Cigs into the room. Focusing on what she wanted to say to Cigs in a bid to manage the pain she was experiencing by distracting her mind. “Okay, we are all done for now, you have a lot of people wanting to visit, but they can come in only two at a time, who would you like first?” The nurse smiled at Izzy “Cigs first please” Izzy winced slightly as she moved up the bed As she lay watching the door, Cigs arrived, his eyes red from the tears he had shed, Izz

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