Insecure Possibilities

1397 Words

“If it really bothers you, I can turn on the bathroom light,” Daniel said, then kneels before her, his frame close and searching her for the slightest response that would aid him here.  But then… “We don’t even have to, if you’re not comfortable yet. I can wait,” he breathed.  Olivia felt the way she shook her head. She did not want to stop with him. That was out of the question. It was just her hangups clawing up out of her mind at the smallest interferences.  “No, no…” she sighed. “It’s… It’s fine. I shouldn’t have…” “I want to hear you,” Daniel interrupted. “I don’t want you to hide anything from me. Not even that you hate my bedroom light,” he added, and she chuckled.  It was straining their moment, her hang-up over his lighting choice… She was being stupid, Olivia told herself.

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