17. Not many options

1360 Words

Melissa's POV I felt great once we reached the capital, as if all of my problems were behind me, but then, Rachel informed me that Paul had been captured by Hunter.  I knew that Paul shouldn't want me to go back for him, or worse, exchange myself for him, but I felt like I was betraying him by doing nothing.  Rage promised that he and the others were working on getting him free, but I wasn't sure if I could trust them to save him.  It was hard for me to believe that they would be willing to risk anything to help others, it was hard enough to trust my own security to them, but Paul's life was another matter.   "There must be something I can do about all of this," I repeated.  "I have to prove that they did something to me to trap me by using the True Mate bond, and I need to rescue Paul. 

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