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PROLOGUE JESSICA SOFIA ACOSTA “What do you think?” I ask my boyfriend of four years, Damon We were in the five-dollar store looking for pens and notebooks. I was very particular about what type of pens it had to be and the books too. I love pretty things and my favorite color is blush pink. I love kitties as well. I loved anything butterflies, Damon got me a butterfly necklace for my birthday last year, I never take it off. Damon says I am obsessed which is crazy. The colors help me stay focus and encourages me to study harder. “They are all pretty much the same to me, so what if one is gold, the other rose gold and one has a diamond, they are all black pens and do the same thing if you ask me. And why do they need to be pretty as you put it if they all share the same ink?” he asks sarcastically He is losing his patience we have been standing in the same aisle for a half an hour because I was being indecisive and when I am like this he has to make the decision for me. This is how our relationship works. I send him a dirty look. How could he insult me like this? “Take this book it’s got pink coffee mugs on, you like pink and you’re obsessed with coffee as well and this one’s got a cute cat on it. And you love those as well. It’s a win win and we can leave this shop now before they accuse us of trying to steal something” Damon says rolling his eyes at the end. I take a second, I look at the notebooks. I do love them. I nod and he takes them. He then moves to the pens and takes one of each and we walk towards the counter. It was study season, so I needed new notebooks and pens. I have a bunch of color pens to help me, Damon bought me those for my birthday. My boyfriend knew me well. Damon has always had the world of patience for me, if anyone asked him to do what I just did he will flip them off. I was all over the place all the time, I was extremely indecisive. It was so bad that I would wake Damon up on a Sunday morning to help me choose an outfit for church. He come over while I picked out something to wear while he told me if I looked okay or not. He would go right back to sleep on my bed as soon as I left. My parents knew about Damon coming over and spending time with me. They never minded because they assumed I was still a virgin, and boy were they wrong I wasn’t. I lost my virginity a year ago on Damon’s sixteenth birthday. He had given me his first and I had given him mine, we knew we would get married one day and have a family. We had so many plans set up for our future. I was secretly on the pill and Damon would take me to the free clinic in the next town over every six months to refill my prescription. We did not want to risk our parents finding out about us, my father was Mexican and had a bit of a temper. We walked out of the store after Damon paid. We walked hand in hand to the next store. We were looking for jeans for Damon, he needed new ones for school, I was going to but it for him. My phone rings as Damon find a jean he likes. I nod at him and walk away. I see my mom’s name on the caller ID. “Mom?” I answered “Honey… it’s your dad… I need you to come to the hospital” she says between sniffing “Wh-What happened to dad?” I ask “Just get here as quickly as possible please. I’ll tell you everything once you get here” she says I do not answer and she hangs up. Damon did not say anything. He hugged me and led me to the till, we pay for the jean and he rushes me out of the mall we get into his truck. Damon bought the thing at a junk yard last year when he got his license. He fixed it up. He loved the truck because I was his first big purchase. Once we get there, my mother meets us in the lobby. She spots us first and hugs me as soon as she sees me. “I am so sorry. I am so sorry” she says “Where is dad?” I ask “I’m so sorry. I am so so sorry honey.” She says over and over and over again “Where is dad?” I ask her “He-He did not make it. The car came out of nowhere. Your father, he-he was picking me up from the grocery store. I had a bunch of bags he got out to help me carry them when the car came out of nowhere. Your dad saw the car and pushed me out of the way, but he could not save himself. It is all my fault. I should have gotten a shopping cart. I killed your father. The driver he didn’t even stop” she says between sobs. I hugged her tightly. Tears ran down my face, I lost all feeling in my legs. I could not believe it. My father was just gone. Completely gone. How was that even possible? I felt Damon wrap his arms around my mother and me. “Why don’t we sit down for a bit?” he asks leading us to the seats not far away. ============= “We’re gathered here today to celebrate the life of a great man. A stellar member of the community. Santos was always ready to help anyone in need. Whenever you ran into Santos, they will always tell people how proud he was of his wife and daughter, how his wife was a remarkable wife and how lucky he was she chose him. He was a proud father of Jessica Acosta. She was sunshine, she was the apple of his eye. He always bragged about how she was going to be something one day. He worked day and night to give her the life she deserved. He would tell anyone who would listen how much he loved his wife and daughter. Many members of the community asked if they could say a few words in honor of Santos Acosta” the pastor says My mother nods lightly I have not stopped crying. Damon wrapped his arm around my shoulders, and I cried in his chest. “Good morning fellow members of the community my name is Deacon King, Santos was my best friend.” I hear Damon’s father, Uncle Deacon say “Santos and I would often take walks around the neighborhood making sure there was a plate of food in everything house making sure no one went to bed on an empty stomach. During this tough week, my wife suggested in honor of my dear friend we create a community garden, fruit, and vegetables for those we need it, it will be available to everyone in the community, and it will provide for our community. The garden will be named after Santos. May my dear friend rest in peace knowing his family and community is well taken care of.” Uncle Deacon says I cry even harder knowing my father would have been happy knowing the people he cared about were taken care of. I was still in shock. I did not know how this happened. How one minute the man who raised me was there and the next he was not. Damon has not left my side since we found out my father had died. He has slept in my bed with me every single night. He would not even let me pee in peace. I knew he meant well, and I loved how supportive he was. I knew if he was not there being my rock I might not be here. =============== Hey guys I hope you enjoy the prologue. Damon and Jessica’s relation was based on my own when my boyfriend and I started dating. I completely based Jessica’s character on myself and my personality. Damon is a mixed between my boyfriend and my father’s personality. P.S I did make my boyfriend take me to a store to get me pretty pens and books to draft this novel.
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