3012 Words

CHAPTER 12 For a good thirty seconds, Camille said nothing and Wyatt had to watch the emotions churn through her eyes. He knew they were choking her. But he had no idea how to make the situation better. “Cams…?” The nickname hit her like an electric jolt. Her shoulders straightened and her chin lifted. “I can’t—how could—I can’t believe you!” Unease trickled down his spine to coil around his guts. “Can’t believe what?” he asked slowly. “You! I’m not some little girl who needs protection!” “Never said you were.” “Sure, not in as many words, but you completely undermined me with Tom. He’ll never respect me now.” “He was never going to respect you anyway.” It was another filter failure and Wyatt had just enough time to curse himself before Camille jammed two fingers into his chest.

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