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CHAPTER 10 Something was wrong. Camille couldn’t figure out what was wrong, but she knew it had been far more than a simple bad day to make Wyatt so distant—and then came Dawson Gauvin. Wyatt had been barely able to hide his distaste for the younger man, and briefly, she’d been kind of surprised. Dawson had rich kid, party animal written all over him. Wouldn’t this be Wyatt’s type of friend? Then she’d remembered a passing comment at the Christmas party. Wyatt hated Dawson because of the way the overgrown fraternity boy treated his sister, but the way he’d looked over the other guys? The way he’d looked at their dates? It didn’t fit. Wyatt had looked at the guys with disgust and the women with pity. Then, afterward, he’d been even more distant—not that anyone could’ve been able to tell

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