2169 Words

CHAPTER 4 Okay, so the app—or whoever was behind the app—had good taste in date spots: the restaurant was gorgeous and Camille’s drink was delicious. But the menu? It did not look promising. She held her cell on her lap, trying to surreptitiously look up what “sweetbreads” might be. So far, it looked like it could be some sort of sugary bread or…pancreas. “That’d be a no,” she muttered, putting down the phone and reaching for the hemline of her dress, tugging it down. When was the last time she’d worn this? Had it always been this short? Or had she just gotten used to her frumpy pants suits? It was not a comfortable thought and Camille grabbed her Mojito next. True, it wasn’t summer yet, but the mint and lime made her feel like summer was right around the corner. It also made the but

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