1155 Words

TEASER CHAPTER 1 “Your virginity can regrow, you know,” Britton told Connor, tapping one finger against the building plans spread all over his desk. “It happens when you don’t have s*x in forever.” He sat back, speechless. After thirty-some years, he’d thought he was well past being shocked by his cousin. Apparently not. “Don’t look at me like that,” she said, pulling her dark red hair into a pile on top of her head and then stealing a pen from his desk. She speared the knot, glaring at him. “By my count, we passed forever about two years ago. This is an emergency. You need to get out and meet people.” “I’ve had a date.” Her eyes gleamed. “When?” Seven months, two weeks, and four days ago…but who was counting? The first date had been the last thanks to Connor’s son putting a stink bo

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