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CHAPTER 18 There was something to be said about nursing a break-up by binge watching Murder She Wrote and Midsomer Murders—even if Meme tended to explain all the ways she’d get away with murder. Over and over again. “It all comes down to motive, darling,” she said, waving her mug at the television. It was filled with gin and tonic water. “You can’t have a connection to your victim. It has to be a crime of opportunity that way you don’t have to worry if your DNA is found at the scene.” “Unless you get arrested and they run your DNA through their system.” “But I would never be arrested.” Meme studied Camille like she was an especially slow student before taking a giant slurp of her gin and tonic. “I get away with everything.” “But—never mind.” It was hard to tell when Meme was being stu

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