1621 Words

CHAPTER 14 One month later… So maybe An Indecent Apposal was a little magic. Or maybe Camille’s life had just started to feel a little magical. Practically living with Wyatt can do that to a girl though, she reminded herself as she hustled through the rain toward her office building. It hadn’t exactly been planned, but since there was zero chance she wanted to risk taking him home to her place (and Meme,) they’d spent most of their time at his loft in Buckhead, a midtown neighborhood in the heart of Atlanta. It wasn’t anything like she would’ve expected—not that she’d noticed much of anything that first night—but when morning rolled around, she’d been pleasantly surprised to find Wyatt’s place didn’t require bleach or a Hazmat suit. It was clean and…spare. “Wow,” she’d said, turning a

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