Halima hurriedly put six wraps of tuwon dawa ( guinea corn meal) into the food flask, poured miyan kube'wa ( okra stew) stashed with fish and well cooked meat into a flask. She put everything in a polythene bag and then placed it by the door. She looked round her rounded hut in search of her earpiece. The hut was built with mud and the roof was thatched. At a corner was a bamboo bed on which she put a small flat mattress , a pillow and bed cover. In a small metal box were her few clothes, and three pairs of shoes juxtaposition on the floor. She hated the bare mud wall, so she used white plain sheets of paper with pap serving as adhesive to make a wallpaper. The same paper served as ceiling, giving the room a beautiful white color . The bare floor was covered with straw mat which she m