Chapter 13

1154 Words

It might be thought that having so much gold would allow a man to take some time off, but it goes the other way. A strike draws a man to keep at it till he’s got it all, so Abel and me keep up our hard work. Soon, there’s a third can of nuggets, then a fourth. I’ve also got a can of my own. I’ve no idea how much money it is, but don’t really care because I’m happy. In April, we lay off digging one day to fetch supplies. It’s a fine day and the mule is as eager as we are. “What’s his name?” I ask Abel when it strikes me I’ve never inquired about the mule. I don’t see him like I do horses, which may not be fair since he’s a good sort. “Moo.” “Moo? Like a cow?” “Yep. I doubt he can tell since it sounds like mule. My bit of fun with him.” “Moo,” I repeat, chuckling. Abel has a sense of h

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