No Silver Bullet

2203 Words

SHE scrunched her nose when something touched it. However, she did not bother to open her eyes. Carmen sneezed when it happened the second time. Her eyes shoot open when she heard giggles. A young boy was sitting on the edge of the bed. He was looking at her while he was covering his mouth. “G-good morning.” She greeted in a gruff voice. “Good morning, mama.” She opened her arms at the young boy who immediately enclosed his small body to hers. A day before, Carmen was very nervous when Charlie opened his eyes. Though she was excited to meet the boy, she was still worried that he will not like his mother’s wife. However, her worries went out the window when his blue eyes focused on her. His first word was ‘mama.’ She was teary-eyed when the boy hugged her like they were old fri

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