1526 Words

RIEKA POV. Seth and I barged through the servant’s entrance door and startled the wolves inside. By my quick head count, there were six of them. “I f*****g knew it!” Rawlson growled at us. He had swung around to face us as we entered. The other wolves were busy carrying boxes and crates to another room when they froze and looked at us with wide, surprised eyes. I smirked at Rawlson and he growled menacingly. His eyes darted to Seth before coming to land on me again. “Where are they?” I demanded at Rawlson, to which he only sneered at me. The wolves in the room gave each other looks before they dropped the crates and slowly moved us to form a circle around us. Blocking our path of escape. They looked slightly nervous as they kept their eyes on us. I moved closer to Seth, our shoulders touc

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