1497 Words

RIEKA POV. “Because, in my time he wasn’t always a dark magical.” I said and Jason raised a curious eyebrow at me. “He was my friend.” I said and Derick snorted in dislike. “More like he was trying to get into your pants.” Derick sneered and I pinned a glare on him. “He would have had a better chance in getting into my pants than you would have had.” I retorted and Derick snarled angrily at me and to my surprise, Jason also growled, but not at me but warningly at Derick. Derick looked to Jason in disgust. “You have some nerve to growl at me, mutt.” Derick sneered and I lashed out and slapped Derick across the face. He groaned in pain as I re-bruised his already broken nose from my attack on him earlier. “You should do well to remember who your elders are and show some respect.” I snarled

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