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"When Alpha Copeland challenged our Alpha...he did so in a way that was legal, however, he had manipulated evidence in his favor. Our Alpha was a good man, but his wife - mate - died during childbirth. This of course was incredibly hard on him and I won't lie - the pack did have a hard year. Not because our Alpha went crazy, but because we were in mourning with him. It was heartwrenching for everyone to lose the Luna," MaryAnn started, Sarah watching her just as closely as I, "We held it together, but things were slipping through the cracks, and soon, a strange Alpha began to visit. The man you now know as Alpha Copeland." "The man I now know?" I asked, curious at the meaning of her words. Her smile was small, but knowing, "Yes, now know. Because when he first came to this pack, that was not his name. I don't remember his real name - you'd be hard-pressed to find someone who does if there is anyone who ever truly knew it. Our Alpha was in no shape to perform, and Copeland came to him with a proposition - he wanted to start his own pack, and if Alpha Raymond trained him, he would assist Moon River with rebuilding. He - along with an army of rogues." My eyes almost popped out of my head. Not only did this mean that Kane consorted with rogues, but it meant that he likely was a rogue! He had also seemingly used someone else's name and had fabricated enough evidence to fool the council into believing he was Kane Copeland. Kane was a monster, a heathen, a desecrator of all things sacred. And he was a fraud. "Raymond was in a bad spot, and he accepted Kane's help as an alternative to a challenge, but he still took precautions. His Beta didn't trust Kane one bit, but Ray was desperate. He did everything he could. He did his best to teach Kane, but Kane was beastly. He was angry and vengeful. And finally, Alpha Raymond said enough. He tolerated over six months of working in the shadows with this man, but no more. He began to realize his purpose, his position again," she said softly, her eyes growing sad, "He even found his second chance mate." The room felt heavy, the weight of her words hanging in the air, and I watched as a tear ran down her papery cheek. "Who was it?" I asked quietly, reaching out to touch her knee through her tattered uniform. "My daughter, Christina," she said with a sad smile, "Kane of course didn't like this. The Alpha was growing stronger, and he couldn't have that. So he killed Christina, thinking it would drive Raymond wild again, and he was right," her eyes shone with unshed tears, but a bit of pride, "He banished Kane and his rogues from our lands, and threatened to expose Kane to the council. He even got a few good kills in, but Kane was younger and stronger, and his rogues and himself bore silver weapons. They slaughtered dozens of Moon River's members that night, some in their beds, asleep. Women, children, soldiers." This time, tears sprung into my eyes. Sarah cried silent tears too, and I couldn't help but wonder who she had lost that fateful night. We had all heard of this day so differently, outside Blood Moon. "And he covered it up?" I asked quietly, the room solemn. MaryAnn nodded, "Yes, Kane took over quickly. In a matter of weeks, he had claimed Moon River, and it aided in masking that goddess awful stench of him and his comrades. Less than two hundred members of Moon River survived, and as soon as he obtained approval from the council of the version he provided, he began making sure none of the Omegas could speak against him. He felt they would be most easily swayed towards him," I reached over and grabbed Sarah's hand, hoping she would know how thankful I was for her, "At this point, Alex had already been chosen as the new Beta. He was sworn in, and there had been too much chaos around Moo-Blood Moon at this point. Maria was pregnant with Alex's child, and he had hidden her away for the last few months of her pregnancy. Sadly, she went into labor when Alex wasn't at their little cottage, and a few of Kane's guards found her." I blanched. I didn't want to hear this, though I knew I had to. Alex had wanted me to save his son, he had given me a key to freedom. I didn't take that lightly, and I wouldn't let Kane's atrocities stop me either. My Beta friend had never told me how Maria died, just that she didn't survive. My heart ached for her. "The guards must've mind linked Kane. They did his dirty work for him and removed her tongue while the poor woman labored. The doctors and nurses tried to save her, but they couldn't. The blood loss was too great, and she was unreceptive to treatment. They had saved the baby, but he was fading just as fast. Alex was heartbroken, and distraught. But he was also a brave, brave man," she whispered. I nodded in agreement, "The bravest I've ever known." She smiled, and then continued her story, "He pronounced the baby dead, and one of the nurses in the hospital must have simply signed off on it. The news was delivered to Kane, and he simply didn't care enough to look into the matter himself. He did grant Alex two days' leave, so maybe there was some mercy in his heart, but truthfully he just didn't care for Alex's presence much. Alex hid the child, and stole across the border, into no man's land, where he found a witch. A healer more specifically. The boy was on the brink of death, but she saved him, and in turn, I think she saved Alex. I don't think he would've been able to go on. And then, he brought the baby here." She took a long pause, watching me. I could see the seriousness of her expression. The steeliness of her eyes. I knew we had reached the precipice of this story, and worry excitement, and strength of my own brewed in my gut. "Before I go on, Alpha Verity, please know that you taking this boy is a promise in and of itself. He is Alex's very heart, the best of both of his parents. He did not deserve the hand dealt to him. Kane's overly-relaxed nature toward Alex, and his dislike of him, allowed Alex to raise the boy almost single-handedly. I was just here as a guardian, a friend, a companion when they both needed it. He needs to see fresh air, he needs to run, he needs - no, deserves - to have the life his parents wanted for him." I put my hand over my heart, meeting her eyes, "I, heir Alpha Camilla Vaughn Verity of the Rising Sun pack, accept Maxis Clearwater as my personal charge. I will promise that he will want for nothing - it is my lifes vow." Finally, MaryAnn cracked a smile, a wistful, and hopeful look in her eyes. "But may I ask one question, before you make an introduction?" I said carefully. I still needed to protect myself, my pack, and even this boy in the long term, and there was something I didn't quite understand. MaryAnn hooked a brow and gestured for me to ask. My mouth went dry as if it was full of cotton. She felt like a friend, and I wanted to let it go, but I couldn't. "Why...why didn't Kane take your tongue? You are an Omega, right?" I asked, but then quickly corrected, "I mean nothing bad with that statement, the Omegas in my pack are respected, and treated well, not as slaves." She shook her head, and stood up from the couch, a laugh bubbling out of her, "You don't offend me, dear. I would ask the same question if I was you. Kane didn't take my tongue, because I am the pack Elder. Legally, I am needed to attend some meetings, and pack affairs sometimes. An Elder who had received such a brutal disfiguring would raise eyebrows." Relief bloomed in my stomach. I smiled thankfully at MaryAnn, and then she gestured for me to follow her. She led Sarah and I across the room, opening a door that led to a small bedroom. She lifted up the corner of the rug beside the bed, pulling it back. and I gasped softly as I saw that she had revealed a small trap door. Quickly, she opened the hatch, and light met us in the cool room. A familiar scent - Alex's scent - met me, and I couldn't help but smile. She turned and lowered herself down the ladder. I followed her down, the wood cutting into my hands as we made our way. When my feet met the ground, I turned and was surprised by how large the room we were in seemed. The ceilings were remarkably high for a cellar, and the dirt and wood floor was covered by several rugs. I could see a small bathroom in the far corner, as well as a fridge, and a small kitchenette. There was a wooden partition, and I could see a large bed behind it. There was a box of toys, and a small child slide closest to me, a ratty couch across from it. It was quite bright, and I could see there was amply overhead lighting. But no matter how comfortable it had been made, it was still practically a dungeon. Absolutely no place for a child. My heart seized. Kane would pay for this. "Maxis, you can come out, there are some friends here to see you," MaryAnn said warmly. From the corner of my eyes, a small boy darted out from behind the couch, barreling into MaryAnn's legs. "Oh," MaryAnn chuckled, "Don't be shy. This is my friend Sarah, and this is Camilla, remember?" The little boy turned to face me shyly. He looked like your average four-year-old. He had his father's warm brown eyes, rimmed by dark lashes in a sweet, heart-shaped face, and a flop of dark brown hair similar to his mother's that hung almost past his raised eyebrows. His skin was a pale caramel, and his mouth was curled into a small "o" looking directly at me. He was wearing black pants, and a dark green long sleeve shirt, with mismatched socks on his feet. I almost couldn't tell that he was a child who lived exclusively in a cellar. He raised his arm, pointing at me. "Cami. You're Cami," he said, and I smiled at how strong his young voice was. I dropped down, resting on my knees, my hands slightly extended lying on my thighs. I wanted to reach forward and wrap him up in my arms. He reminded me so much of Alex already, and finding him, being here with him, felt like a gift from the Goddess herself. "Yes," I replied softly, "I was good friends with your daddy, Maxis." He nodded softly, his eyes slightly nervous, "Daddy told me you would be my friend too." My heart broke, and I felt my voice get thick in my throat, "Yes. I plan to be very, very good friends with you." He relaxed his grip on MaryAnn slightly, leaning towards me, but he still seemed hesitant. "Someday, when you're bigger, I'll tell you about how good of a friend your daddy was, okay?" I say softly, my voice weighed down by emotion, "He's my hero. He saved me." The room was quiet. Heavy. I didn't know how much he knew, though I was certainly surprised that Alex had told him about me. "He saved me too," he said quietly, his face drawn forward in a grimace, while he took a small step from MaryAnn, "He's dead now. Just like mommy." I nodded, feeling hot tears rolling down my cheeks, "Your daddy was very brave, Maxis." My heart was broken. This sweet old soul knew too much pain. I didn't want him to feel any more of it. I watched as he fully stepped away from MaryAnn, closing the distance between us until he stood just in front of me. "Are you going to be my mommy now?" he asked. "Ma-" MarAnn started, but I nodded quickly. "I will be whatever you need me to be okay, Maxis? I owe your daddy my life. He saved us both." He looked at me quizzically, and then fully closed the distance, throwing his arms around my shoulders. My arms went around him, tightening their grip protectively. "I think you'll be a really nice mommy to me," he whispered. The wolf in my head who had been quiet for months now, howled in my head, pacing around protectively. This was our pup now. No one would hurt him again. I closed my eyes, crying quietly into his shoulder. In my arms, I held my life, my future. I don't know why the Moon Goddess gave us to each other, but he revitalized every inch of my being and filled me with a passion I didn't understand, but I embraced wholeheartedly.
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