Coming Home

2433 Words
I stood at the lonely grave, watching the only friend I ever really had, body being lowered into the ground. Some of the town folk had come to pay there respect but they left a while ago already. I just couldn't let myself leave her, yet. She was all I had for a very long time. I looked a few rows up and spotted my mothers grave stone. If not for Mrs Carmichael I wouldn't have even be able to pay for that grave stone. I watched as the diggers started to close the hole and it took everything in me to stop myself from screaming at them. The tears rolled uncontrollably down my face. I walked over to the grave and threw a last rose onto the coffin. I walked away angry, angry at her family and friends because none of them even bothered to show up. I angrily wiped a wayward tear from my face and got into the cab, back the Carmichael Lake House, my only home for the last ten years. 6 Months later. Jane’s POV: I stepped out of my little apartment; it was situated over the garage of the Carmichael estate. I shivered as the cold Minnesota air hit my face and I pulled my coat tighter around my body. I started walking to the lake house and looked up at the scenery which lay before me. It was picture perfect, how I loved this place, it truly was magnificent. The house came into view, and I started to smile, I took my usual detour and ran towards the dock. I threw my hands in the air as I reached the end of the dock and stared at the shimmering shoreline and lake in front of me. It was truly beautiful here and I loved the feeling I always got while looking over the water, I felt free and unburdened, which wasn't a feeling I was use to. I stared back at the house and was immediately assaulted with a new feeling, remorse and then the gloominess and lonelyness hit me. I exhaled deeply and got angry with myself. I hated feeling sorry for myself. I furiously opened my bag and I grabbed the elastic in it and tied my dark brown, wayward curly hair, back. The elastic snapped and I immediately got angry. “Dammit Jane” I didn’t bring and extra one and I hated when my hair was loose. There was just so much of it, and it always got in the way while I was working. I didn’t feel like running back home, even if it was only about 500 meters from the main house. “Well, no one is here so I’m just going have to manage” I walked up to the house and entered from the back door. The house was a two storey, build in a cabin like style, but still consisted of 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. The inside was very comfortable, but still had all the modern amenities. It had thick wooden stained beams and the huge windows made sure that you could enjoy the scenery provided by the lake and the surrounding areas. The house was truly beautiful and splendid. My mind drifted to Mrs Carmichael; she was truly a very nice lady. I had loved her outspokenness and sense of humour, and she had become a very close friend. After she died, she had left this house to her nephew, I’ve never met him, but I knew he was a famous writer. Mrs Carmichael had all his books right next to her bed. He decided to keep me on so that could clean and take care of the house, until he could make other arrangements, he notified me through the Carmichael lawyer here in town. She had died six months ago, and in all that time he still hadn't made an appearance. He was expected to arrive tomorrow, and this would be his first visit. That said quite a bit about the man, not even bothering to show up for the funeral. These famous people were all alike, always taking but never willing to give anything. I angrily kicked a small stone out of my path. Mrs. Carmichael had been a huge part of my life. She had been a dear friend and saviour when I needed one badly, and I would never be able to thank her for everything she did for me, especially after..... I immediately shook that thought from my mind, I didn’t want to think about it. I distracted myself by looking at the list of everything I had to complete and immediately started working. By 5o'Clock I had aired all the bedrooms and scrubbed and cleaned all the floors, bathrooms, and every inch of the house. I might not like him, but he still paid my salary, and I needed to keep this job. I checked my message again from him, he was arriving tomorrow morning, so he was obviously expecting a big breakfast. Jimmy from the grocery store arrived later with the groceries and I made sure to stack the fridge and fill all the cupboards with everything he might need. By nightfall I was way too tired to walk home, I had just finished in the main bedroom, so I dropped onto the bed. I decided to take quick nap in the master bedroom. I didn’t want to get the sheets dirty, so I took off most of my clothes. Keeping my bra and panty on. I just needed a few minutes to rest, just a few minutes. I sometimes stayed over like this, Mrs Carmichael never minded and well her nephew wasn't here to say no. I sighed as I felt the satin sheets on my skin. I loved the feeling of the satin on my skin, this was probably the main reason I picked this bedroom, the sheer lushness of the room, of the bed, it made me feel sexy and desired, even if it was only for a few minutes. I only wanted to rest for an hour maybe two. But yeah. I snuggled into the sheets and a deep sleep over took my exhausted body. Kyle’s POV: “I left you a present at your new home” She moved her long tanned limbs over me, almost melting herself to me. I gave her a cheeky smile and pulled her head closer “You did, did you? Pity it's not you” “I hope you enjoy it and think of me, when you are using it” “Darling I always think of you” She laughed and placed her red lips on mine. I felt her tongue slide over my lips and I opened my mouth to deepen the kiss. I pulled a little away from her and stared into her hazel eyes. “I am going to miss you Greta bear” She smiled and drew my head down to her, continuing the kiss. I could already feel my body starting to respond to her expert touch, which was awkward as we were currently standing in a packed airport. She abruptly ended the kiss and started to walk off. I watched as she strutted out and watched as all the men around stared at her perfection. Greta was 5.10, long dark hair and hazel eyes, she looked like a young Sophia Loren, except her body was slender, she had to keep it that way or risk losing her modelling career. As she disappeared from site, The same men that just stared at her, turned their eyes enviously toward me. I loved the way she made me feel, never expecting or wanting more, we were kindred spirits in that way. I walked towards the gate I was departing from, with a huge smile on my face. I took an earlier flight because I wanted to get there to start writing, there were just to many distraction here in New York. I thought of the last time I saw my aunt, it was many years ago, I ran away after the incident and never returned, I never wanted to see that town again, so much so that I didn't even go to her funeral. Her laywer contacted me after the funeral and told me I had inherited everything. He sent me a copy of the will and I knew at some point I was going to have to go back. I think she knew it to, because she left a strange note in her will. 'Kyle your future lies in Carmichael, you just need to summon the courage'. She obviously wanted me to face my past, but I wasn't planning on doing that. The flight lasted 4 hours, I had a couple of drinks on the plane because honestly, I have never liked flying. I thought of Greta’s surprise that she left me, the woman always had this way of surprising me, exciting me and I could feel the blood rush toward uncomfortable parts. As the plane landed. I exited quickly and I knew I have had a little too much to drink. I ordered taxi and waited for it to arrive. As I waited, I had a quick drink in the lounge area. 15 minutes later, I stepped into the taxi. “Hi, could you drop me off at Carmichael Shores, the Carmichael Lakehouse” The cab driver turned around and looked at me, his mouth spreading into a huge smile “That would make you Kyle Carmichael right. Wait until my wife hears about this” I felt annoyed with him, but I gave him a small tight smile back, remembering the rumour mill in a small town. “Yes, I am” He obviously didn’t get the message because the next second he turned around and handed me one of my books “Just got your new book for the wife, would you mind signing it Mr Carmichael, she loves you” I tried again giving him the cold shoulder “I would but I don’t have a pen” He eagerly ransacked the storage compartment of his car “I have one, here you go” I took the pen and book and signed it, hoping that would shut him up. He continued to tell me about his wife and kids, I was getting really annoyed “Sorry, would you mind, I have a huge headache and I honestly need some quiet” “No problem, Mr Carmichael” He focussed on the road and started to whistle, what would it take to shut this guy up “Do you mind?” “Oh sorry, just thinking of the wife’s face when I tell her who I met” “Yeah, as I said, I have a headache” He made a locking gesture in front of his mouth “Not another word from me” We drove in silence the rest of the way. When we arrived at the Lakehouse it was already dark out. The cabby jumped out and grabbed my bags, I took it from him, and he held out his hand for me to shake it. “Was nice to meet you Mr. Carmichael, my name is Jake by the way” “Nice to meet you Jake” I started walking towards the lake house, needing to get away from Jake and the talking. “If you need anything else, just contact my cab company and I’ll help you, anytime” I waved without turning back, shouting a “Thank you”, hoping I would never need his help. I fished the key for lake house out of my pocket and stuck it in the keyhole. As I opened the house, the scent of cleaning chemicals hit me. I walked through the house, and I thought that the housekeeper had earned her keep, everything was spotless. I saw a bottle of Johnny Walker on the counter and grabbed a glass from the cupboard. I poured myself a stiff drink. Throwing it down my throat. The oaky burn rolled down my throat and settled in my stomach. I looked around my new house. It wasn’t to my taste, but it was comfortable, I could see my self writing my next novel in this peaceful quiet. That was the main reason I was here, I had to finish that damn novel and the plot kept escaping me. I circled back to the whiskey bottle and poured myself another glass. I was starting to get lightheaded but what the hell, I was here alone. I sat down and finished that drink then poured another one and went upstairs. I was exhausted and needed a couple of hours of sleep. The room was dark, but I didn’t bother to switch on the lights as the moon was shining through the window and that made enough light for me to see. I went to the bathroom and splashed some water on my face. I got undressed and walked to the bed. That’s when I first laid eyes on my angel. She was lying in a halo of golden-brown curly hair; her skin was so white that it looked almost translucent. My eyes drifted towards her red mouth, aching to touch it. I watched her long dark eyelashes framing her eyes, and I wondered what colour her eyes were. My mind drifted to the conversation I had with Greta and I smiled. She was outrages enough to get me this for a gift, I couldn’t believe that she hired an escort for me. I almost laughed out loud. I wasn’t really into that kind of thing, but this girl had me thinking about breaking all the rules, she was stunning, a little small but still strikingly beautiful. I stripped naked and got in to bed with her. I tried to wake her by kissing her neck, but she was out cold. That’s fine, I can wait, I smiled thinking about taking her in the morning. It might be the drink talking but I couldn’t wait to get my hands of her. I stared down at her for another couple of minutes, feeling myself getting harder. I took another sip of whiskey and yawned. I was tired, I was beyond tired, so this could wait to the morning. I turned on my back and fell asleep with a huge hard on and a smile on my face. I had to remember to thank Greta for this present, what a welcome home present. I turned around and fell asleep almost immediately.
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