
1082 Words
Chapter 4 (a) "I love the way you behave today with your dad I so love it" His hands encircled around her from back "You deserve an award little kitten" His lips touched her neck and she started to wriggle. "Complete washing these dishes then come to my study room" ordering he left.. _____________________________ Staring into his eyes She breathed heavily through her parted lips when He invaded her insides slamming her against the wall.. Her hands made patterns on his back with their skin slapping each to each their moans and groans mixing in the air.. Forcing? r****g? Naah that wasn't the word to be used here he didn't force her she forced herself to do it to save her dad.. He gave her a choice and she obliged. She could've pushed him and hit him with vase but she didn't.. She obliged she accepted his touch she let him do what he wanted.. She wanted it? No or maybe a little more because when he teased her she cried out and beg.. She hated herself for behaving so desperate and and she felt let her self respect down. He was playing with her mind and heart.. There was thought running in her mind that she wanted to kill herself but she couldn't she had her dad her only family.. It wasn't she reacting it was her body! She was indeed a dumb that she trusted the wrong person in her life that too twice.. She wanted a peace all she get in these days pain pain and pain.. The drop of tear escaped from her eyes when he emptied inside her he moved back and she slumped down on the floor as her legs gave up.. 'I had s*x with someone who is already married and father of kids shame on me f*****g shame on me' She cursed herself and looked up to found him going to the washroom taking off the used condom. She got up, after wearing her outfit she left the room and straightly went to the restroom to clean herself.. 'I am strong I'll be fine everything will be fine' She cheered herself then walked out of the restroom only to found Adhyansh.. She gave him glanced her broken eyes bored into his face for few seconds and she walked out.. Slumping down on the floor she looked down her eyes fixated on the tiled floor but her mind was somewhere else she was just physically present there.. "Divyank don't do this I don't want this please this is too early for all this" She requested getting scared when he hovered over her.. "Don't you love me Adwitiya?" he asked his fingers gently caressed her forhead to cheeks.. "Yes I do I do love you but I am not ready for this" She said again and he cupped her cheeks "Just feel it you will like it" "Do you trust me?" He asked kissing her cheek to jaw "" She did trust him but now she was dead scared. "Aah no no please it's hurting it's hurting" "Slow down Divyank please stop stop stop stop" "It will going to pain little more Adwitiya and after that there will be only pleasure" "Naah stop I want go home I don't want to do this it hurts please" She palmed her ears as those words started ringing in her ears again again. "Ayyiappa please help" she sighed out and gulped the water taking deep breaths.. _______________________ Adhyansh walked inside the kitchen to found her sitting on the floor hugging her knees her eyes were open wide.. She didn't sleep a bit previous night because she wasn't able to comprehend what was happening with her.. Why he was doing this to her? What mistake she did? "Make coffee for me" Her eyes shot up to found Adhyansh.. She nod and got up "Words" "Sure sir" She muttered and started preparing coffee for him while he was making her more uncomfortable as she could feel his glares he was there behind her back.. "It's done" She handed him the coffee.. Her hands were itching to slap and punch him which she controlled. _______________________________ "I..I a.m sorry mam I didn't mean to kiss you that night" He apologize looking down. "Firstly it was me who kissed you. You don't need to say sorry to me it was my mistake!! And please stop calling me mam you are my dad's staff not mine" She said politely. "So can we be friends? Umm I mean I don't have any friends in my life so that's why umm damnn I just love to embarrass myself" She chuckled at his banter and forward her hand "Hii Adwitiya Mishra" "Adhyansh Aneja" He shook hands with her smiling genuinely. "Adwitiya make noodles for me" He ordered.. She started preparing the noodles just then something striked her mind smirking she added the whole bottle of red chili powder in the noddles and smiled evilly. "Here is your noddles sir" She put the plate of noddles infront of him and stood little away waiting for him to taste.. 'Adhyansh Aneja hates wasting food so now he will going to have it anyhow" She thought and tapped her feet waiting.. "Dadda I Walt to have thalt" Adwitiya's eyes widened seeing Yuvaan licking his lips wanting to have the noodles.. "Sure champ" before Adwitiya could stop it Adhyansh stuffed the spoonful of noodles in yuvaan's mouth while Adwitiya prayed to mother earth to swallow her whole.. "Aahh shooo shooo shooo" His mouth and throat started burning and face turns red. Tears blurred his vision he spit out everything and started coughing badly.. "Champ what happen?" Adhyansh panicked and taste the little bit of noodles which has red chilli powder.. "What the hell Adwitiya? Why did you add excess red chili powder in it" He shouted then give made him drink that water while tripti ran to the kitchen to get ice cream for yuvaan.. "I.. a.m sor.ry I didn't know I mean--" She fumbled with her words not knowing what to say? She wanted Adhyansh to eat that and not yuvaan thou she didn't like his kids but she never wanted to harm them atleast.. "Dadda it's-- " He cried "Calm down champ and have this" Adhyansh stuffed ice cream in his mouth while caressing his back and head.. "She isshh shoo baldd (she is so bad)" Yuvika said glaring at Adwitiya as she can't see her twin brother in pain..
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