Irresistible will

2114 Words

“How come you're still here?” Cristian stayed in Isaac's kitchen, despite the fact that the box had just landed on the countertop. He had enough opportunity to get out because the shower was still running. He struggled to fight the thoughts clashing within his brain as he heard the running water on the second floor, his pulse still pounding, hadn't dropped even a beat since Isaac came up behind him after the porch. "Guess who?' Warm hands encircled his eyes, soft lips on his earlobes. What was he attempting to show by staying? That he was strong enough to suppress his desire to Isaac? That he wasn't very interested in the guy? That's why you were on the verge of a nervous breakdown simply gazing at his ass? “Get the hell out of here, dude,” Cristian moaned. “There's no way you're prepa

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