
1385 Words

You weren't obligated to leave... You did nothing wrong...please contact me. Cristian sat on the bed's edge, phone in hand, throat tight and hurting. Guilt smacked him in the face for shouting at Ashly and essentially throwing her out. He should go find her, apologize, and ask pardon. Instead, he sat there, phone on speaker, replaying Isaac's message over and again. The agony in Isaac's voice ripped at Cristian's heart, burrowing in, grabbing, and clinging on. His head sank, his shin slamming into his chest as he clamped his eyes tight against the scorching agony. The incidents of the day flashed through his mind, and for a brief time, he was back at Isaac's, on the sofa, Isaac's hands around him, his kisses on Cristian's ears as he begged him to spend a weekend with him. Cristian allow

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