His adversaries

1677 Words

He gazed at the floor, and his eyes tight and his chest heaving with his rapid breath. What exactly did he tell them? Certainly not. He looked up at his father. "So, what?" he thought, hearing the anger in his own voice. "Wait, Ashly believes I made him gay?  That I infected him with a disease? I'm sure she'll find a way to pin it on me." He let out a quick, chilly laugh. "Did she simply abandon him on the spot? She doesn't want to be connected with a dirty faggot, I'm sure." "Isaac, get it off." Faustino gave his command forcefully, yet with a tone of empathy. Isaac wiped his palm across his mouth and slowly exhaled a deep, unsteady breath. The pain in his eyes was more intense. "So, what happens now?" He muttered, his attention returning to the floor. His shoe toed the marble design. "

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