849 Words

ELLA AND MARK SAT ON the floor, leaning on the sofa and drinking wine. Mark said that he hadn’t finished making love to her yet, so they didn't bother to get dressed. Although Ella's body had just exploded in hundreds of stars, Mark's words still aroused her. Content and happy, Mark played with her fingers and kissed them, now and then. His happiness brought warm and fuzzy feelings in Ella’s heart. She waited for a while until she thought it was the right time to talk to him. Anyway, she couldn’t think of any other better moment. “Mark,” she started hesitantly, and his gaze turned to her face as if he felt her uncertainty. “Yes, Ella. What is it?” he asked softly. “I wanted to ask you something,” Ella said but stopped immediately, almost regretting that she had started talking. Mark

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