
The Mafia's Estranged Wife

enimies to lovers

She was never to come into the mafia world But she did. The underground world is not a place to get married but I did. One week after my marriage to Brielle Morett, I had to send her off in exchange for my falling clan. I can't afford to be weak as a Mafia clan leader. She left after catching me in an abominable act. But five years later, Brielle is not alone, she came back with a little boy and girl who looks like me, Dante Russo.

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Chapter 1: In His Arms
The heavy door opened and the trainees entered, marching on a single line The door closed, raising dust in the air. They have same face that screams destruction amd havoc. Silician lion nation is the deadliest clan in the underground world as they're called "Lionel" for a reason. The "Lionel" was founded by the "Gaza" itself, he didn't sell his heart to the devil because he's the devil himself. So even though they're not many in the clan, they're still feared by other clans. • Spider walked into training room and everywhere became quiet. He's the trainer of the trainees and he's feared for his cruelty during training. "Rule number one?" His voice asked as his echoed in the room "Use coded words while trying to say a secret" They chorused as they shiver in fear "So, why did you spilled the secret infront of a rival member?" Spider smiled mischievious as he pointed the gun on the head of a trainee "I...i...I didn't kn...know someone was inside... He was cut off by the sound of gunshot in his skull. "There's no forgiveness in here, if you want that... Go to church" He spat out His blood splashed on the trainee beside him aa the body dropped on the floor but he dare not shout as he almost pee in his shorts "Pack him" Spider ordered as he put his gun in the his pants "There's no forgiveness in here, if you want that... Go to church" He spat out "Pick your gun and face the board" He ordered The trainees rushed to the table where the guns was kept as they pick it one after the another. "Hit the target or you're dead" Spider shouted and the trainees almost peed in their shorts Tension and the smell of death filled the hall as some of the trainees began to shake in fear. Blade walked into the room with a black bag. He's in charge of the import and export of illegal drugs in the clan. Spider faced him as he dropped the black bag on a table "You're back?" He said in surprise "As you can see" Blade replied with a grin "Go and check on Gaza" Spider said and he nodded • > The room was cloudy due to the smoke coming from the cigarette, A tattooed arm came in view to take the glass cup containing wine on the tray. The cup was brought to the pink lips and sipped from it then the whole face came in view. His face screamed terror and destruction despite having delicate features which ladies find hard to resist. The door opened and Alessio stepped into the room "Do you want to kill me before my time?" He shouted, coughing out Alessio is Gaza twin brother, he is a co-boss of the clan. He looked around the smoke filled room and switched on the light "What the f**k!" Gaza groaned, at the sight of light which got him distracted "Stop smoking" Alessio snatched the weed from him and dropped it on the ash tray He opened the window for ventilation and Gaza covered his eyes from the ray of the light. "What do you want?" Gaza said in frustration and Alessio eyed him "I came to check on you if you're still breathing" Alessio mumbled with a shrug Gaza smacked his teeth together and stood up from the office chair in his room. "Stone, are you there?" He askef "Always boss" Stone answered and walked into the room Stone is the tallest and the hitman of the clan. "We're heading out" Gaza informed him and he nodded "I'll inform the gang members" He bowed shortly "No, I'm going alone" Gaza mumbled "Ohhh" He scratched the back of his neck and walked towards the computer room "Where are you going without the gang members ?" Alessio asked curiously but Gaza kept mute "Answer me" He hit his arm slightly but Gaza ignored him.and walked into the computer room The small computer room shows everywhere in the clan as the cctv covers the important places especially the drug room. "Bløødy f**ker" Alessio mumbled as he followed him to the computer room. "The road is clear, boss" Stone announced and Gaza rested his hand on the table while staring at the computer screen "Go and get dressed, Alessio" Gaza said, facing him "Where are we going?" He asked curiously "We're heading out" Gaza replied, walking out of the computer room Alessio shaked his head in disapproval "That's what you said the other time and i almost got killed" Alessio said with a frown, remembering the incident made him angry "But I saved you" Gaza retorted, walking over to his wardrobe as he search for what to wear "Dante, I can't... "You talk too much, don't distract me and get dressed now" He cut him off mid sentence "I am going with you cos i don't want you to dîe" Alesssio said, pointing at him and he walked out of the room "Coming from someone, who can't shoot a fellow human being without crying" Gaza mumbled, clicking his tongue and he walked into the bathroom. Stone smiled briefly, knowing how much they love each other despite their childish fight. <<30 minutes later- Micheal Mansion Alessio came out of the limousine, looking dashing handsome in his suit, he looked at the beautiful small mansion and he smiled. "This is classic" He complimented, looking at the mansion "So bossy" He eyed Gaza who was waiting for Stone to open his car door "Stone, over here" He called and Stone walked towards him "Snap me" He handed the phone to him and pose for a picture Stone facepalmed mentally, knowing that the two brothers will start fighting in no time in a rival house. • Gaza clenched his jaw in anger wondering what slow down to open the door. He rolled down the tinted window only to see Stone snapping pictures for Alessio. "Really?" His eyes widened in shock as he couldn't believe his eyes "Wow, so you have hands?" Alessio smirked as Gaza opened the door by himself Gaza snatched the phone from Stone's hand and dropped it on the floor intentionally He stepped on it and the phone screen broke "Heyyyyy" Alessio shouted as he looked at the retreating figure of Gaza "Motherf**ker" He groaned and picked up the broken phone on the flpor He sighed out as he looked at the screen, knowing it's bad beyond repair. "I'm sorry boss" Stone apologized, knowing there will be serious trouble "It's not your fault, it's that f**ker over there" He said, pointing at Gaza who was standing infront of a security guard who was accessing him "Boss, you've to calm down... Stone tried to cajole him but he ignored him as he walked towards Gaza "I hope i won't have high blood pressure" Stone facepalmed mentally and followed Alessio "Heyyyy, you're buying another one right?" Alessio glared at Gaza as he showed his the broken phone Gaza looked around and pulled Alessio closer with his ear "We're in a rival house, i hope you remember... they're watching us" He whispered into his ear "Are you mad? Is that why you want to tore my ear from my head" He whispered back, as he slapped his hand off "What... Gaza was cut off mid sentence when he spotted a short brown haired lady walking towards them "M...m...my name is Tasha" The lady said nervously It was obvious she knows who Gaza and his twin brother is "P...p...please, follow me... My boss is ready to see you" She stuttered and they followed her They walked into the sitting room and Alessio jaw dropped in awe The sitting room intricate good architecture designs, elegant chandelier and ornate furnishings exuded an air of sophistication. It doesn't look like a mafia den rather a palace. "Where's your boss?" Stone asked impatiently, looking everywhere to ensure they're safe "He will- Tasha was cut short by a sound as she look up likewise Gaza and Alessio Her heels clicked on the floor, her handbag on her right hand as tons of maid followed her as she walked down the stairs. She tucked her long hair behind her ear and her beautiful face came in view. "Wow, she's beautiful" Alessio said unknowingly "That's Brielle Morett, my boss daughter" Tasha said Gaza clenched his jaw as he stare at the black backless shimmery dress on her body which shows her curve. "I'm going out" Brielle announced, hoping her Nanny heard her "Miss Brielle," Tasha called "Yes?" She answered and turned to look at her "Ohhh, sorry i didn't notice you were there" She smiled and walked towards her Brielle saw the unfamiliar men in her house and she narrowed her eyes "My dad got me new bodyguards right ?" She asked and Tasha gasped in shock "Bodyguard?" Gaza scoffed in disbelief "Ma'am... "I can't work with him, i don't like his face" She cut Tasha off, pointing at Gaza "Really?" He glared at her in anger

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