Chapter Three

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Dewi I knocked at the white plastic door at exactly half past seven. Even though I had been outside on and off the last several hours waiting for just the right time like an over eager school boy. Hell my heart was thundering in my chest like a boys as well. When she finally answered it took me several seconds to recognise her. She looked like hell. “Ami?” Automatically I stepped forward to comfort her and her hand landed on my best as she wiped at her face with her other hand. “Don’t come any closer I have the flu.” Her red rimmed eyes searched my face as if she had just realised it was me standing at her door and not someone else. “Dewi?” Who else had she been expecting? Jealousy roared its ugly head in my chest. “What are you doing here?” “We had a business dinner Ami, did you forget?” She really did look Ill. Like on her death bed sick and I would know it was only a year ago I had almost lost her. “Oh I’m so sorry.” Her eyes closed for a second and she swayed on her feet. “Can we rearrange? I’m not really at my best right now.” Did she really think I was going to leave her when she looked like she was going to faint at any second? I should never have left her yesterday it was only because she had insisted she was fine that I had. There would be no way I could leave her now even if my dragon would let me. “Let’s get you inside.” I eased into her space, wrapping my arm around her waist and for a second she leant against me. For just that second I could pretend she was still mine. “No, no it’s fine. Don’t….” “Don’t be silly now, you are sick.” It was obvious she didn’t want me in her small home. But why? Did she live here with a man? Even though she had said she wasn’t dating. Had she lied. “I haven’t tidied up.” She added feebly and I almost laughed. Was that all? I already knew how messy she was, but even so the sight of the living room shocked me. Toys littered the floor. It wasn’t dirty but it was definitely messy. “Really, you should go.” I stared down at the array of brightly coloured toys that littered the rug. Mostly pink. My daughters toys. She had been playing right here not long ago. She had sat on this very rug, had she been laughing? “It’s just toys Ami, I have a son I know kids make a mess. Now sit.” Settling her done on the sofa , I stood for a moment unsure on what to do. “Where is she?” “Sleeping.” She closed her eyes. “You have a son?” “Yes.” My heart broke, Rhydian missed her almost as much as I did. And here she was hearing about him like it was for the very first time. “Rhydian.” “That’s lovely.” She didn’t even sound like she was paying attention. Her face twisted. “Is there anything I can get for you Ami?” Finally I sat next to her, my perfectly pressed suit a stark contrast to her stained and wrinkled pj bottoms and T-shirt. “No, no. It’s flu. I’m pretty sure. And a migraine.” She bit her lip, rolled it between her teeth in exactly the same way as the old Amelia would have done. A migraine , that had started in my office when she had a flash of a memory. Was she this sick because of me? Had I caused this somehow? “Why don’t you rest a while, I’ll get you some water and put these toys away. Have you eaten?” “You don’t have to do that.” But this time she didn’t move. “Have you eaten Ami?” “No, I couldn’t stomach it anyway.” “I can always cook you something before I go.” I smiled at her, as I reached to pick up a plush bodied doll from the floor. Turning it In my hands over and over. “I always imagined a guy like you wouldn’t be able to cook.” She tried to crack a smile. “I can’t but I can cook a lasagne.” I watched her face as I said it. “That’s my favourite.” My grin grew. “Mine too.”
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