twoKim was fully prepared to avoid Daniel Leland for the rest of forever. Her mother was not sure that would be feasible. “There’s no provision in the law for waiver of sentence,” Cynthia muttered. “That thing could change its mind at any time. It has to know that.” Kim did not say anything. She wanted to think that scaring the crap out of her had been enough for him. He had all but admitted that she had scared the crap out of him, too. That made it an eye for an eye. Tit for tat. As hard as it was for her to believe that he was capable of feeling that hollow-gut, watery-brain, weak-limb terror, she wanted to think they were even, that it was done. But the benefit of the doubt did not come easily to her anymore, and so she said nothing. “No statute of limitations, either.” Paper shushed