Part 4-2

2023 Words

The young man seemed to consider. "Oh I haven't put you through much—yet." "Do you mean there's so much more to come?" Strether laughed. "All the more reason then that I should gird myself." And as if to mark what he felt he could by this time count on he was already on his feet. Chad, still seated, stayed him, with a hand against him, as he passed between their table and the next. "Oh we shall get on!" The tone was, as who should say, everything Strether could have desired; and quite as good the expression of face with which the speaker had looked up at him and kindly held him. All these things lacked was their not showing quite so much as the fruit of experience. Yes, experience was what Chad did play on him, if he didn't play any grossness of defiance. Of course experience was in a m

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