Colin and Martin’s London Christmas-3

1922 Words

“He left the gate open.” “Do you think he did it on purpose? Did he set out to deliberately leave the gate open, knowing your dog—Toby, wasn’t it?—would cark it?” “No, but that’s what happened.” “I realise that. The guilt Colin is carrying round inside is slowly destroying him. And I bet it’s destroying you, too. Colin told me you said you’ve forgiven him for what happened, but you haven’t, have you?” Martin said nothing. “Well?” “It’s none of your business.” “Probably not.” Matt sighed. “But is it worth it? I mean you hanging on to the bad feelings, because they aren’t doing you any good, no good at all.” “What are you, some kind of amateur psychologist?” “Nope, I’m just your average Aussie battler. But I know what damage holding onto guilt, anger, and regret can do to a bloke.”

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