chapter 5

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Ember (POV) "Ember wake up, were here." Seth said shacking my shoulder. I sat up and yawned and stretched my arms over my head, then looked around. We were on a dirt road surrounded by woods. "Where is here?" "We're at your uncle's boarders. We have to wait here for them to get us." "Who's coming to get us?" "Them" Seth said, nodding his head just as a black SUV drove up the road towards us. It stopped right in front of our car and two men, huge men covered in tattoos, got out and walked toward us. "Come on." Seth said, opening his door and climbing out of the car. " Wait what? Seth, no what are you doing?" These men were huge. There was no way Seth could take them by himself and there was no telling how many more men were waiting in the car. They looked angry this was not going to go well. Seth, of course, didn't listen and continued walking towards the men. My anxiety was building. Just when they were about inches away from each other, the bigger one of the guys smiled and stuck out his hand to Seth. Then he pulled him into a hug. Once he released him, the second man smiled and did the same thing. The men who just seconds ago looked like they would rip Seth's head off didn't look so scary anymore. Their smiles made their faces look younger and more carefree. What was happening right now? After talking briefly, Seth walked back to our car while the two men did the same. Once everyone was in their vehicles, we took off down the dirt road following them. "Seth, who are those men?" "That was Broody Smith. He is your uncle's beta. The other man with him was Clifton Humm. I don't know Cliff's last name. Both are great guys." "They looked scary." "Hahaha princess, you have heard the saying never judge a book by its cover. The same applies to people. You must never judge a person by their appearance. You judge a person by what's in their heart. You have a lot to learn before you take your place as Luna queen." I didn't say anything else and neither did Seth. I still have a lot of questions, but I'm still trying to digest everything Seth told me on the way here. I'm a little pissed. I'm just now finding out the truth. But I love Seth. He has looked after me my whole life. He has kept me safe and protected and has never done anything for me to not trust him. I really don't want to fight with him, especially since I was starting to have a little anxiety about meeting my uncle for the first time. I think Seth could sense my anxiety. I could feel it every time he glanced over at me. But he never said a word, he just followed the SUV down the never-ending dirt road. Finally, after what felt like forever (forever being 10 minutes), we turned off on to a blacktop road that led up a huge steep hill. This hill looked like it would be a blast to sled ride down, not so much fun to have to walk up though. I really hope we will still be here in a few months when the snow falls, because I really want to check out this hill in the snow. We finally made it to the top and stopped in front of an enormous house bigger than I had ever seen. It had to be at least twelve times the size of the Hallow moon pack house. I quickly counted the floors. Seven! Seven floors tall! Just then, the front doors flew open and a man even bigger than broody and Clifton came striding out with a fierce, determined look and headed right for our car. I swear my heart stopped. I didn't even have a chance to react when my car door was slung open, and I was being pulled out of the car and the huge man had me in his arms. The moment his warmth touched my body, I knew this was my uncle. I felt the tears run down my face. All my life I was told my family was gone. It was always just me and Seth against the world. But here I was being held by my uncle, my family, my blood. I was completely overwhelmed with emotions. "My dear sweet niece, I can not tell you how happy I am to finally have you here with me," my uncle said, stepping back and now looking me over. "Wow, you look so much like your mother. My dear sweet sister, I do miss her terribly. However, you are here now, and we have a lot to talk about." he put his arm around my shoulder, and we walked side by side to where Seth was now standing outside the car. "Seth, you have done well. I know my sister and brother-in-law would be very proud of how well you have protected and raised their daughter. I know I am." he released my shoulder and closed the gap between them by throwing his huge arms around Seth and engulfing him in a bear hug. He whispered something in Seth's ear that I could not hear and when he pulled away I saw a tear run down Seth's face which he quickly wiped away. "I am sure you are both exhausted from your trip and would like to rest. We have rooms already set up for both of you. I will have Trevor take your bags to your room." My uncle said, now nodding his head toward the man standing off to the right. Trevor didn't say a word, he just nodded his head towards my uncle and went to retrieve our bags from the car. "Come with me, and I'll show you to your rooms." My uncle said as he led us into the house and to a grand set of stairs. We followed him all the way to the top floor. Shewww that was going to be a lot to walk up each day. I was out of breath by the time we made it to the top. My uncle noticed and looked at Seth with confusion. "She is still binded." "Oh right. There is an elevator right here," my uncle said, gesturing his arm to the door next to where we were standing. That was going to come in handy. My uncle led us down the long hall. The ceiling was glass, so the morning sun was shining in, making the hall bright. The walls were a medium gray color. Even though the walls were on the darker side, the light from the sun made it bright and inviting. As we walked down the hall, I looked around at the pictures on the walls. They were filled with family pictures. But each family was different. That was odd. Most pack houses don't have family pictures hanging on the walls. They were for your room or if you lived outside the pack house your house. They were never put on display in the common rooms. We stopped at the fourth door. "Here we are, Ember. This will be your room." My uncle said as he pushed the door open, then stepped to the side to let me walk in. I walked in and my jaw dropped. "This is my room?" I asked, not able to hide my excitement. "All yours sweetheart," my uncle said as he put his arm around my shoulder. I was in shock. This room was huge. Room is not the right word. This was a suite. It was a massive apartment. My old room was a closet Dimitri put a bed in. I had a stand-up mirror Seth had got me, and a little table I kept in the corner with my few pairs of clothes that I owned. This was WOW and it was all mine. Holy Crap. Everything was open. You walked into a living room set up with a couch and two chairs. A fuzzy looking chair sat off to the side. A glass coffee table sat in the middle. There was a huge stone fireplace on the far wall. I noticed the television that was positioned on the wall to be seen from every area. I have my own TV! I had never got to watch TV before. Yeah, I would see stuff on it when the other pack members were watching something, but I never got to watch it with them. I looked around and took in the large eat in kitchen and the dining table that sat in front of huge glass windows that let the sun shine into the apartment. I noticed the door by the kitchen. I didn't hesitate to check it out. I ran to the door and swung it open. Inside was a bedroom. My bedroom, with a king-sized bed and dressers. I had dressers, OK so I didn't have clothes to fill them dressers but still, I had dressers. There was a door to the right which I assumed was the closet. I got a big surprise when I opened the door. It was not a closet, it was a master bathroom. I have my own bathroom. Holy s**t. This was amazing. Not only did I have my own bathroom, but I had a huge shower and a separate tub that was big enough for three adults. This was crazy. I saw two doors on the far right wall, so I went to check them out. One was a bathroom closet and was stocked with towels and wash clothes. The second door was a walk-in closet lined with shelves and drawers and poles to hang clothes. One of the walls was a mirror. Wow! I looked around for a few more minutes just taking it all in, then headed back to the living room. Seth and my uncle were talking when I walked out of my room. They both stopped when they saw me. "So what do you think? We can paint it and decorate it however you like." My uncle said with a huge smile on his face. "Wow! Just, Wow, this is amazing. Are you sure it's OK if I stay here?" My uncle's smile faded. "What? Of course, I'm sure. This is your home now." My uncle said, sounding a little offended. I didn't mean to upset him or offend him. I just couldn't believe this was my home now. "Thank you. I love it." I said as I walked over and gave him a big hug. It was still weird hugging this stranger and feeling all these emotions for someone I didn't even know. But he had this feeling about him. I could feel his warmth, his love for me. It didn't feel uncomfortable at all, it felt welcoming. "Well, I'll let you settle in, and I'll show Seth his room. Which is right next door." My uncle said, leading Seth out the door. "Wait, I'm not tired. I want to talk to you both. I have so many questions I need to ask." I said now, sounding kind of panicked. I didn't want to have to wait. I wanted to know everything. "Ok. Let me show Seth his room, and we can head to my office and talk there. Would you like to wait here or come with us?" "I'll come with you." I followed them to the next door a little down the hallway. My uncle opened the door but didn't wait for Seth to walk in first. Seth and I followed him in. Seth's room was smaller than mine. A lot smaller. He still had a big glass window that was open to the living room and eat in kitchen and there was a door off the side that my uncle said was the bedroom. There was another door on the opposite side of the living room and that was the bathroom. Seth didn't check it out like I did. He walked over to the small couch in the center of the room and dropped his backpack. I had not noticed he was carrying onto the couch and thanked my uncle. My uncle smiled and nodded his head, then led us back down the stairs to his office.
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