Chapter 3

1939 Words
Ember POV "Ember get up, we have to go now!" Uncle Seth whispered, yelled in my ear as he shook me. I shrugged him off. "Ember, you have to get up now! We have to go." "What?" I opened my eyes. We were in the dungeons. I was unchained. My arms were bruised and sore. "Ember, get up now, we have to go. Come on, we don't have much time. We need to go now!" Uncle Seth said again, "What time is it?" I asked, rubbing my eyes. "It's three in the morning." He said, grabbing a bag from the floor and swinging it over his shoulder. Uncle Seth walked over and kneeled down next to me. He put his lips right to my ear and whispered, "Listen, Alpha Dimitri is leaving in 15 minutes. We have 10 minutes to get in the car and out of the border before the next patrol starts. Nick is on his way here now. This is the only chance we have to go now. I'll explain everything in the car, now come on." he said, grabbing my arm and pulling me up from the ground. My wrist hurt from being chained all day. I could still taste blood in my mouth. I looked at Seth. His face was strained and stressed. He had dark circles under his eyes. He looked like he had not slept in days. We walked through the dungeons as quickly and quietly as we could. The guards must be changing shifts. "Where is everyone?" I whispered. "Dimitri called an emergency meeting. The guards are not back yet. He was going over protocols when I snuck out. We have about 15 minutes to get out of here before we get caught. We need to move faster." He said, pulling me out the dungeon door. I was heading towards the pack garage when Seth grabbed my arm and pulled me in the opposite direction. We were running toward the woods. Seth put his hand to my mouth, then put his finger to his lips. I shook my head, letting him know I understood. I had a ton of questions, but I was not stupid enough to ask them right now. I knew how much danger we were in. Me in particular. Dimitri would not let me live if we got caught. We made it to our car without being seen by anyone, which was a miracle in itself. At any given time, there were always people moving around the pack boundaries. Our car was on the side of the road right over the pack boarders. We didn't talk until we were well past the 15-mile mark from the pack boarders. I was the one to finally break the silence. "How were you able to disobey Dimitri's alpha command?" No wolf was able to disobey their Alpha once he gave a command. I wanted to know how Seth was able to do it. "Easy, He's not my Alpha. He may think that he is, but I don't belong to his pack. His command holds no power over me." Seth said, shrugging his shoulders. "Where are we going?" I asked, turning and looking at him. "Were going to your uncle's, his pack will be able to help me keep you safe." "My uncle? I don't have any other family. They were murdered by rogues." I said, confused. What the hell was he talking about? “I'm not your uncle, I'm your God Father. Your family was not killed by roughs, they were killed by Dominic. It's a good thing we have a long drive ahead of us, we have a lot to talk about princess.” My mind was racing. We were actually leaving the hollow moon pack. My emotions were all over the place. I was exhausted and in pain, but the excitement was overpowering my need for sleep. I have another Uncle and was heading to him now. My whole life, I was told all my family had died and Seth was all that was left. When I was 6, Seth told me the story of how my mom died from being rejected by her human mate after giving birth to me. He told me when he got back from the hospital our whole pack had been slaughtered by rogues. Now he was telling me I had family. "Are you hungry? We can stop and grab something to eat if you want?" Seth said, trying to change the subject. "Oh no, you can't drop a bomb like that and try and change the subject. Now spill." I said, turning in my seat to face him and crossing my arms over my chest. "Fine. I was just hoping to have more time." "Well you don't, time's up, now talk." "OK, so your parents were killed, just not by rogues." "Wait, what?" "Are you really going to do that the whole time?" "Probably if you're going to tell me everything I have been told my whole life was actually a lie." "This is going to take forever then." Seth said, rolling his eyes. "Wait! You're really about to tell me my life is a lie." I yelled and jumped a little in my seat. "Not really a lie, just a lot was left out. I'm going to fill in the blanks. Stop!" Seth said, now holding his hand up to my face. "Look, I know you have a lot of questions, but I have a lot to tell you before we get to your uncle's, so I need you to just listen, and I'll answer all your questions when I'm done. OK?" he turned and gave me that stern I mean business look he always gave me when I was little. "Fine." I said, rolling my eyes at him. Seth took a deep breath, then let it out slowly. "Your father was Alpha King Marcus Kain, your mother was Luna Queen Scarlett Kain." "My parents were royalty?" I asked, not able to stop myself. "Yes, Princess. I can see the questions forming, but let me finish." "Fine." I said, trying to contain my excitement. "I was your father's Beta. He was not just my king, he was my best friend. I admired him and the way he ruled. He never once let the power of being the King go to his head. He was a great man and leader. Your mother was just as amazing. She had the heart of an angel. She was loved and adored by everyone. Your brother would have made a great king as well." "I have a brother?" I yelled. "Had a brother, yes. He was killed protecting your father and the palace." "Your father always talked about having a huge family. He wanted lots of kids running around the palace. I remember when he found out Scar was pregnant with little Mark. There were celebrations for weeks." Seth was smiling now. "How much do you know about mates?" Seth asked, turning and looking at me again. "I know everyone has a mate picked out personally by the moon Goddess," I said, shrugging my shoulders. "Yes, that's true, but there is more to it than that. Yes, it's true everyone has a mate, but not everyone is lucky enough to find them. Magical creatures are more likely to find their mates than humans because we are more in tune with the moon Goddess. Your mate is not just your partner, they are your strength. They are apart of you. That's why we are able to mind link with each other. Our souls are one. Finding your mate will make you stronger, but it can also make you weaker. You look confused. Let me explain. When Scar was pregnant with little Mark, her pregnancy was hard on her, which in return meant it was hard on the King as well. Her pregnancy made her weak. She was unable to hold anything down. She lost more weight than she gained. Towards the end of her pregnancy, she was put on bed rest, which also meant so was the King. Most wolves carry a child for 6 months due to our fast healing and growth, but the more powerful the wolf, the stronger and faster they grow. So your mom only had to carry little Mark for 3 months, which turned out to be a good thing because I don't think she would have made it had she had to carry little Mark full term. After Mark was born, the palace doctor told the King and Queen that more children were not in the cards. It took Marcus and Scar a long time to accept that. They had many doctors visit the palace to help them have more kids, with no luck. When Mark was a young boy a sorceress was brought to the palace. She had been hurt badly, and the Queen nursed her back to health. To show her appreciation for their gratitude, she offered to do a reading for them. I was there during the reading. I was the only other person in the room besides your parents and the sorceress. She told them your mother would get pregnant again with a daughter. She said that during her pregnancy their enemies would use that as a time to attack. That's when the king would be at his weakest. She helped your parents come up with a plan to save you. The King asked her to stay at the palace as an adviser. She admired them both very much and came to care for them, so she agreed." Seth was slowing the car down now, so I looked around to see where we were. I was so lost in what Seth was saying. I had not been paying any attention to where we were going. Seth pulled into a gas station, " We need gas, and I'm hungry, and you need to eat." Seth said, pulling up to the 1st pump and turning the car off. He handed me a backpack. “You need to change and clean yourself up.” I headed into the gas station while Seth pumped gas. I went straight for the bathroom. I hoped the woman behind the register didn't get a good look at me. I was a mess. My face was covered in blood and I had bruises on each of my cheeks and my eye was turning a dark purple. I hurried and washed the blood from my face, then went into the stall to change my clothes that were also covered in blood. When I came out, Seth was in one of the freezers grabbing drinks for us. "Hey, what kinda snacks are you in the mood for?" He asked as I walked over and took two of the bottles from his arms. "None really." I said, shrugging my shoulders. How can I eat right now? My stomach was in knots after everything he had told me so far. All I could think about was getting back in the car. I needed to know what happened to my parents and brother. "You have to eat something," Seth said, stopping next to me with his arms full of bags of different kinds of chips. "Fine." I turned and grabbed the first thing I saw, a cholate muffin. Seth rolled his eyes but didn't say anything else, he just continued to load his arms as we walked to the register. We were finally back on the road again. The sun was just starting to rise. I can't remember the last time I just sat and watched the sunrise. It was beautiful.
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