Chapter 13

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The Greek gods didn’t seem all that intimidating or threatening to Oya, she could read the aura of a lightening god and at least two fire gods, just her husband Sango channels those two elements alone but here it was being shared amongst three of them. Then there is the one with the trident who gave off the same ocean aura as Olokun, she couldn’t tell who would win a bout should both of them have a go at each other, he was just as intense and his power hummed from a much more deeper source, Aphrodite had told her he was called Poseidon. She had explained a lot of things to Oya, this was so she could be well versed on how to deal with each of them, but still Oya knew if things should spiral out of control she would be evicted faster than she could say ‘child’, it would be better not to let it get to that point. Oya suddenly started feeling uncomfortable as an intense gaze suddenly fixed on her, she was tempted to meet the gaze with a stern and intense gaze of her own, but Aphrodite had warned that the queen of the gods Hera, would see that as an insult or a challenge and that wouldn’t help their case for they really needed to have Hera by their side. Aphrodite had said Hera would frown on the fact that the child they wanted to save was born as a result of an affair and she really hated that, but then the plus side was that they could appeal to the fact that it was for lack of conceiving not love -although that was a lie- just so she would feel for them enough to see their cause as a just one. Hera had once had a terrible experience when it came to conceiving or the lack of it, so that is what they would appeal to, trying as much as possible to avoid the affair part of the whole scenario. “Ordinarily I don’t see why it is necessary for you to come before us with this case” the one Aphrodite had called Zeus stated, he was the one shrouded in lightening aura and it was so obvious to Oya that he was the one in charge around here, things aren’t so orderly among the gods where she came from, besides they hardly gathered like this for anything. “You are a goddess by all means, you are free to roam as we have all been guilty of that, but one thing we wouldn’t stand for is a power display amongst the humans or a fight between gods amongst the humans, this is why we came to intervene on that faithful day” he finished but there was a look in his sky blue eyes that made Oya feel uncomfortable. She felt as if Zeus was checking her out, peeling her off to see her totally, ordinarily she wouldn’t have had a problem with getting into bed with the king of the gods, that would make things easier for her even, but then there was the issue of the queen of the gods and her temper against affairs, besides they wanted her as well to their side, so it was better to lay off the king despite his inconspicuous flirts. It was the same Hera that now challenged Zeus’ words “of course she needs to place her case before us, she can’t just come around and interfere with the humans when even we don’t do that or have you forgotten your very own decree oh mighty Zeus” she said mockingly. “Besides if the child would be problematic to the world I say let it perish quickly now, the world comes first” a stern looking goddess added, Demeter was the name Aphrodite said she was called, she gave off the same moderate goddess aura as Oba and that was something Oya didn’t like at all. “This child in question is a goddess as well, I would rather suggest she be brought to our midst and weighed by heart and character, if there is too much darkness in her then she’ll be judged but if not then she should be set free to do as she wishes so long as she continues to pass for human” this was Hestia talking. Aphrodite had told Oya that she was really reasonable and they could depend on her support, and although she as well gave off Oba’s aura, hers was still a bit better than Demeter’s. Oya also noticed that it was those considered to be the main gods that are talking, the others are keeping mute, probably because some of them would come of as bias if they put in their opinion, those like Apollo and Artemis, Ares and Dionysus, Hermes, Hephaestus and even Athena wasn’t talking and she gave off aura that is not unlike hers Oya noted. As it was going though she knew a consensus would favor her, all the bastard children of Zeus here knows what her child is currently passing through being hunted by an unwilling parent. Hera looked more amused than annoyed also, so Oya felt that had to be a good thing, she glanced sideways at Aphrodite who just looked straight ahead, she was playing at something Oya could tell, but she wasn’t worried because she knows whatever it was would favor her. “I would like us to follow Hestia’s suggestion” Aphrodite stated “let us bring the child to us and know for ourselves just how dangerous she is that is if she is even a danger at all” Zeus put a hand on his furrowed brow, it was obvious that he would rather be doing something else than ruling over a matter like this, to him it wasn’t an issue, and Oya knew very well what the something else on the king’s mind was. “Very well, let us have the child cone to us, warrior goddess you have been given leave to roam the Greek god’s domain” as Zeus said that lightening flashed from his fingers straight at Oya but right before touching her it gathered and formed a gold card which she plucked from the air in front of her. “That card will grant you passage from any Greek god or goddess, it states you are under my protection, also…” he said and snapped his fingers to which Hermes rose fluttered to her and placed a wand-like stick in her hands. “Blow on it or wave it around or break it when you need me to come, it’ll only take me seconds to locate you” Hermes said. “Hermes will be your liaison to other godly lines should things get tough for you and Aphrodite, he has more experience with them, also he can offer a swift escape should things turn totally sour because not all gods are as understanding” Zeus stated. Oya curtsied at that as a means of saying thank you, she observed the wand in her hands and found out it looked like a miniature caduceus, a little replica of the one with Hermes himself and at that point she actually felt honored. After the deliberations a little party was set up by Dionysus who claimed any gathering no matter the cause was always a cause for celebration. Food and drinks were brought by nymphs and satyrs and the music was anchored by Apollo who was playing a whole orchestra all by himself, it was a marveling sight for Oya, one she had never experienced before. Oya didn’t feel like celebrating though, but Aphrodite gave her a warning look and she got the message, it would be too soon to offend the gods in any way so she stayed. Zeus brought a chalice for Oya while holding one for himself, and although the liquid in it looked clear Oya didn’t trust its contents to be clear as well, not when they are coming from someone who had be throwing flirts at her all day long. When Zeus saw how she eyed the content in the chalice he gave out a short laugh, “Your distrust isn’t speaking well of you, y’know, how can we trust you when you don’t trust us” he said to her. “I don’t trust anyone, but I might believe in another person, there is a difference y’know” Oya retorted while she glanced around looking to see if Hera wasn’t watching them. “Hmm… I see your point” Zeus said “That in the chalice is nectar though, a drink of the gods, should it touch mortal tongue such mortal would burn up from the inside out immediately, but to a god’s tongue, it is a wondrous taste of the heavens” he remarked flexing his chin as he did. “Oh and Hera isn’t close by neither is she in the lookout for us, she is usually oblivious to my affairs until after it has happened” he stated in a carefree way. “You say your affairs as if I am already one” Oya said as she took a sip from the chalice, the taste that met her tongue was indeed nothing short of heavenly, it tasted like what she loved the most mixed with what she craved for the most. The taste was more of a felling than a taste, a feeling of good things and good times, it reminded her of Aphrodite’s tea as well and she was sure there must have been a bit of it in the tea. “Oh are you not? You didn’t seem to be rejecting my approach all day long” Zeus said again pressing further. “I did not notice your approach as you have called it, I am more concerned with finding my child and placing her under my protection, a proper protection, not one on a gold card and a flute, and if you think I’m open to anything besides that then you are mistaken” she said to him a bit hotly “ now if you’ll excuse me” she said much more calmly and left his side leaving the chalice of nectar behind as well. Zeus’ eyes flashed with lightening quickly once and he blamed himself for making a move on her so early, it was the first time they would meet after all and she was burdened at the moment, maybe after all this was solved, then he would try again. Aphrodite blocked Oya as she made her way through gods and satyr and nymphs, “and what did the king want?” She asked acting oblivious. “To get between my legs obviously” Oya answered without a care as to who might hear her. “uuh I’d be careful if I were you” Hera answered appearing seemingly out of nowhere “the king usually get what he wants” she stated in a singsong voice as if she was joking which she wasn’t. “What the king wants or not is not my priority or concern, I am only focused on my mission here after which I’ll make my way back to my domain” Oya responded. Zeus might think Hera was usually oblivious to his affairs but Oya did not believe that for one second, Hera was a woman as well and she would definitely know what an approach is when she sees ome even if it wasn’t directed at her. Oya is a warrior goddess and a sorceress as well and her skill set had enabled her to notice Hera’s cautious and cunning hiding which she did to root out what Zeus was actually after. Oya knew that to try to hide it would make Hera all the more suspicious and thanks to her newfound friend Aphrodite, she had been able to make it public enough to satisfy Hera’s meddling mind. “I like you Oya, you are a caring mother that would do anything for her child much like any of the mothers here myself included, but be careful what you do so you don’t cross the wrong people, I’m rooting for you, y’know” Hera said in way that implied she heard all that was discussed between her and Zeus. “Thank you wise goddess” Oya replied glad she hadn't messed up her chance with Hera. After a while Oya and Aphrodite were alone and they finally had a chance to discuss. “So tell me what your plan is love goddess” Oya said. “You are always so serious Oya, lighten up a bit won’t you” Aphrodite said playfully “Do you remember that feeling you told me about of being summoned suddenly and there was nothing you could do but answer?” she asked. Oya didn’t need to think about the answer, it had happened while they were on their way here to Mount Olympus, “of course, you only smiled and waved it off, it was an experience I have never had before, what about it?” she asked as well. “Well it shows just how smart your daughter is because in a way she caused that, what you experienced is what we call a claiming, you claimed your daughter even though you did not know that was what you did, the only issue is that your lover would have had the very same feeling but there isn’t anything we could’ve done about that” Aphrodite said still jolly. “So I claimed her where and how and for what?” Oya asked still not totally clear. “There is a place called Haven, it is where our descendants go so as to be safe from well everything including we the gods that begot them, and when they get there a claiming is done by us even without our consent so that they can be placed in their proper godly line” Aphrodite explained “By doing this your daughter has made herself untouchable by any god while she is in there, this has bought us time to meet with the remaining major lines we need to meet with and then all we need to do is wait till she will be out to approach her, by then we would have been far ahead in preparations, even more than your lover could ever be” she reassured Oya. “Ok then, I’m happy things are going well now, but we still have to move fast, so which line is the next to make our case to?” Oya asked her friend. Aphrodite chuckled childishly once more before replying “why next is the Egyptians” she said and pulling Oya by the hand they made their exit out of Mount Olympus. Glossary Aphrodite - The Greek goddess of s****l love, beauty and fertility (born from the foam of the scattered genitals of Uranus the primordial sky god after his son Cronos had severed it and scattered it into the sea). Wife of Hephaestus. Apollo - The Greek god of music, poetry, art, prophecy, truth, archery, plague, healing, sun and light (although the god is always associated with the sun, the original sun god was the titan Helios, but everyone forgot about him). Twin brother of Artemis, son of Zeus and Leto. Ares - The Greek god of courage and war, son of Zeus and Hera. Artemis - The Greek goddess of the hunt, the wilderness, wild animals, the moon and chastity. Twin sister of Apollo, daughter of Zeus and Leto. Athena - The Greek goddess of wisdom and war as well as handicrafts especially spinning and weaving, she was born without a mother because she emerged straight from Zeus's head (thoughts). Caduceus -  A staff/wand of an herald in ancient Greece and Rome, specifically the one carried in mythology by Hermes with wings at the top and two snakes wrapped around it, used to indicate merchants and messengers, and also sometimes as a symbol of medicine. Demeter - The Greek goddess of the harvest, agriculture and fertility. Second wife of Zeus, daughter of Cronus and Rhea Dionysus - The Greek god of wine, winemaking, viticulture, fertility, rituals, madness, theater, and religious ecstasy. He was a demigod before he became a god being born of an affair Zeus had with the Thebian princess Semele. He is the only one of the twelve Olympians to be born of a mortal. Hephaestus - The Greek god of god of the forge, blacksmiths, fire, metalworking, stone masonry and the art of sculpture. Husband of Aphrodite, He was born by Hera alone out of spite at how Zeus begat Athena. Hera - The Greek goddess of women, marriage, family and childbirth. Wife of Zeus, daughter of Cronus and Rhea. Hermes - The Greek god of trade, wealth, luck, fertility, animal husbandry, sleep, language, thieves, commerce and travel. Son of Zeus and Maia, the Pleiad. Hestia - The Greek goddess of the hearth, the right ordering of domesticity, the family, the home, and the state. Daughter of Cronus and Rhea. Oba - The Yoruba goddess of marriage and domesticity.  (See Introduction chapter.) Olokun - The Yoruba god of the deep ocean, the abyss and unfathomable wisdom. (See Introduction chapter.) Poseidon - The Greek god of the sea, storms, earthquakes and horses. Son of Cronus and Rhea. Sango - The Yoruba god of fire, lightning & thunder, he also represents male power and sexuality. (See Introduction chapter.) Zeus - The Greek god of the sky, lightening and thunder, he is also associated to weather and storms and he is the king of the gods. Husband to Hera and Demeter. Son of Cronus and Rhea. Note: not all the Greek gods have been listed here, only those mentioned in the chapter, newly mentioned gods will be listed at the end of the chapters they feature in.
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