Chapter 17

1922 Words
‘I don’t have time for this’ Oya thought to herself as she made a swift evading movement; jumping up in the air, making a split midair and bending forward, so she passed right in between two of the creatures of chaos she is currently battling. She could smell Osoosi’s hands in this because there was no way these creatures could have pinpointed her location with such precision, and why did it have to happen right this day when she had a meet with one of the Norse gods. She had to part with Aphrodite for a while because they decided to divide and conquer, Aphrodite was to go to the Hindu while she was to go to the Norse. It wasn’t an official meeting yet, just to meet with a spokesperson who would then take the message to the whole body then bring back a response. Now she was late because someone pinned her location on some very resilient chaotic sand creatures. She had to really give credit to Osoosi though, she had not thought he could pull off something like this and how he was even able to pull it off is beyond her, but the issue still remains that she has to escape these vile things and go meet the Norse god’s representative, she really hoped it would be an understanding god or goddess. She spun out a spear and sliced one of the creature right into two, it disintegrated at once into red sand, that should be good news but it is not because from experience of the past few hours and some minutes that she had been battling them, she knew it would reform in a matter of minutes into another type of creature to battle her. Oya felt there must be someone somewhere controlling them, remolding them back up into something else even as she keeps killing them. A very large tiger with two heads charged at her and lunged, ‘I really don’t have time for this’ she thought to herself once more before cooking up a spell in her mind then she directed the spell at the tiger with her hand pointing at it palms forward. A rolling ball of flame engulfed the tiger, kicking it off balance before melting it, another one down for a few minutes. Oya was thankful for one thing though, that she had decided to take a path rarely used by the humans, this was initially because she was trying hard to avoid any confrontation at all and in anyway, interaction with any human. That decision came in handy as being a wise decision now as she looked at the devastation her spells, the weapons and the creatures as well had caused. She really was going to have a long hard conversation with Osoosi when next she sees him, this was just a cruel test of her patience. Two monkeys dived for her with clubs in their hands, a sword whipped up in her flash cutting off both monkey’s hands and as they landed their heads followed spinning in the air for a while as they were sliced off before turning to sand. If the circumstances were different Oya could have actually enjoyed this, but the longer this continued, the more she felt as if this was a kind of delaying tactics, so she was really pissed. She was sure of one thing though, she isn’t the only one seeking allies, Osoosi was obviously doing the same thing if he could pull this off because this had to be the work of some other god. A couple more spells and some quick work with the blades and there was no more standing chaotic sand monsters, just the telltale red sand. She realized this gave her about a quarter of an hour or less, probably less because of the ones she had earlier dispatched, so she will forth yet another storm minion to transport her. She had lost two already since the attacks began and that was only because she called for weaker and lighter storm minions so as not to cause any weather anomaly for the humans, with these ones she’s using all they would notice was some dark clouds and strong gusts of winds. Summoning weaker storms might mean good for the humans but it didn’t do her any good because they weren’t fast neither are they strong, she guess she would just have to make do till her plan to eradicate this current annoyance could come to fruition. Just then she spotted what she needed, a rushing river, so she headed towards it, she was almost there when she was suddenly knocked off her ride. ‘Not again’ she thought to herself as she tumbled through the air, she was sure it hadn’t been a quarter of an hour yet. As she righted herself with a basic levitation spell, she saw what had attached her this time and the only thought that came to her mind was ‘now it is going to be a fight’. It seemed to her that whoever was controlling the monsters was now getting serious because rather than reform the creatures up again as separate monsters, they had now been gathered to form one huge monster. The giant had the head of a jackal like creature and its furry body was as hard as iron, it towered well over eight feet and the menace emanating from it was immense. Oya actually smirked at the challenge, well now she as well could get serious, no spells, just a clash of weapons against claws. She landed gently and twirled her fingers, right then a spear appeared in her hand ‘just the right weapon’ she thought then she crouched and shot upwards towards the monster brandishing her spear. There is a saying that ‘the bigger you are, the slower you get’, well that wasn’t true in the case of the jackal headed monster, it swiped with it’s claws at the shooting goddess with speed and killing intent but she was ready for that, she wouldn’t be a warrior goddess if such caught her unprepared or unexpectedly. She changed her position ever so slightly as the swiping hand came for her such that it missed but she was still aiming for her target. Seeing this, the creature faltered and took a step back, she had expected this as well so she flung her other hand forward at the creature, the hand produced chains which shot around the neck of the creature. Then she pulled her hand backwards towards her snapping the head of the creature right back forwards. The head of the creature came forward to meet with Oya’s spear which impaled it right at the center of its forehead but she wasn’t done yet. Still holding the spear, she flew upwards over the head of the creature, bending the spear in the process, and the spear tore downwards through the head of the creature so it can return to its straight form. Oya jumped down from behind the monster and as she got to the back of its neck, she twirled the spear in her hand which turned into a sword that was just as long as the spear and then she swished it through the neck of the monster, lobbing its head up in the process. ‘I guess I can say I needed the exercise’ she thought to herself as she descended, and as she landed, she did not give the creature a chance to crumble to sand totally before summoning a great wave of strong winds to sweep it off straight into the river. She churned the river water containing the disintegrating monster strongly with more gusts of wind before flushing it downstream with a really strong wind force. “let me see you recover from that in a few minutes” she said aloud and then this time caring less for the humans view, she summoned a slightly stronger storm minion in the form of a thundercloud and rode at its highest speed to meet her long delayed Norse god. *** Set finally rose up his head from the meditating posture he was in, a couple of sweat drops trickled down from his head, “You weren’t kidding uhn, she really is tough, it only took her moments” he said to his companion Osoosi. “Well you said you needed to test her, hope you have your answer?” Osoosi asked. “Indeed I do, indeed I do” Set replied, “frankly I can’t see how you two hit it off, she seems way too tough for you even, and if she is really gathering allies as you’ve suspected then there is no way you can handle all that without more than a little help” he stated. Osoosi only signed in frustration, Set was only stating the obvious, he didn’t need a Mr. state the obvious at the moment, he needed action ready gods and he felt these ones weren’t even enough yet, not for the kind of might Oya can gather and pull off. He looked round the hall at the gathered titans, gods, deities and even monsters, Set had actually done quite well in this short time. To list a few of those Osoosi felt were really important and powerful enough to make a difference, there was; Ah Puch, Kali, Shiva, Elrik, Chernobog, Morrighan and a few Shinigami. While he wasn’t still so sure about Shiva, he knew the rest were really in, some for the sake of peace and balance of the world because they really cared for the world, the others for their own pleasure or the fact that they get to partake in something as significant as this after all these years of dormancy. Still on their list to recruit to their cause were Ahriman, Loki, Hel and Coatlicue, and although Set told him Loki, Hel and Coatlicue would be really difficult for different reasons, he was still willing to try. “Well friend, shall we go do some more recruiting, I really believe you now that we need more if we are really going to face you lover” Set said and although Osoosi rolled his eyes at the ‘lover’ statement he couldn’t help but feel flutters in his guts. “Let us go then, friend” Osoosi answered. Glossary Ah Puch: Mayan god of combat and death, darkness and disaster, he is also associated with childbirth and new beginnings. Ahriman: Persian lord of darkness, a god of chaos and source of human confusion, disappointment and strife. Chernobog: Salvic god of chaos, death, darkness, destruction and night, he is also known to be the cause of misfortune and bad luck. Coatlicue: Aztec earth mother goddess, patron of childbirth, goddess of warfare, governance, and agriculture but also the goddess of death. Elrik: Turkic and Mongolian god of death and the underworld. Hel: Norse deity of death and queen of the realm of the dead. Kali: Hindu goddess of time, doomsday, and death, associated with sexuality and violence but also considered a symbol of motherly love. Loki: Norse trickster god who has the ability to change shape and s*x. Morrighan: Celtic deity and Irish goddess of death, battle and destiny, she is also the keeper of fate and purveyor of prophecy. Shinigami: Japanese gods of death, commonly regarded to as soul reapers. Shiva: Hindu god of goodness, benevolence, a protector, deity of time and the creator and destroyer of all things.
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