The table of pastries stood flush against the wall fully stocked with various confectioneries that remained untouched even as the party drained on. I eyed a strawberry tart with hunger fighting the urge to pluck it into my mouth.
The way my stomach was spinning didn’t bode well for retention.
Turning away from temptation I faced the gala. There was an air of ostentatious glamor mingling in the air between the various wolves who conversed over the orchestral music as it swelled. I studied the crowd searching for any friendly face.
I looked like a cotton ball in a peach tulle dress that ended just short of my knees the bodice hugged my chest tightly. It was Selene’s choosing so no doubt intentional.
Not that the dress played very heavy into my discomfort. I felt like a fish out of water in a room full of wolves all of whom eyed me with disinterest. I was a nobody after all. Even my scent lacked anything significant.
“Ah Elodie. There you are,” a heavy arm draped over my shoulders causing me to stumble into my brother he holds a flute of champagne in one hand a devilish grin taking up his face. “I have some friends you must meet.”
He’s wasn’t drunk, the sharp focus of his too blue eyes reflected a calculating sort of clarity as he dragged me with him through the room. As we went various, she-wolves openly appraised him sending him cloying looks he openly accepted with winks and smiles.
What they saw in him I could never know. On the surface he was handsome like polished marble sculpted by skilled hands chiseled features carved from stone hard surface displaying mock emotions he seemed to wear like a mask. There was a wrongness in him that permeated every smile, every flicker of his gaze like someone pretending.
Even if I hadn’t witnessed it first-hand I would still see the evil lurking just beyond the surface.
“Everyone this is Elodie. Elodie this is everyone.” He motioned to the small group of men he’d dragged me to. They varied in size and age but even the youngest was old enough to be my father. “Freshly nineteen our beloved little Elodie.”
His fingers on my shoulder pinched at my skin in warning to behave.
“Hello.” I cleared my throat even more unsure of myself.
One of the men closest to me furrowed his brows, expression pinching, “She’s not like you discussed.”
“She’s the pride of the family.” Asher lied so easily I almost believed him. “We had to beg father to let her out today. He insists on keeping her locked away safe.”
I bristled but said nothing, schooling my expression.
“Well she is a beauty.” Another spoke his words sending a shiver of disgust straight down my spine.
“And imagine once she presents.” Asher laughed the low sound a shrill alarm in my ears.
“We’ll speak with your grandfather.” Yet another said his beady gaze studying me as if I was an exotic animal he couldn’t wait to touch. My stomach turned. “Nice to meet you Elodie.”
Then they were gone. Dispersing into the crowd like fallen ash.
Wrenching myself out of Ashers hold I took a cautionary step back as he took a long sip of his champagne sharp eyes studying my movement with the intensity of a cat toying with a mouse.
“What was that.” I demanded in a whisper my heart thudding in my ears.
He chuckled perversely, “That little sister was exactly what it looked like.” My blood ran cold. “Just how much longer did you think my family would support you? This way you’re at least useful for something. A treaty with any of them would be beneficial to the pack.”
So, this was an auction. And I was the stupid prize who didn’t even know she’d been selected for slaughter.
“But father said—”
“My father didn’t say anything.” He chuckled again stepping towards me and leaning down until his hot breath fanned my face. “I so enjoy seeing you squirm. I heard the Sun peak pack keeps broken she-wolves easily accessible. They’ll find a use for you yet.” I stood stiffly unable to move or blink my lungs barely worked, he clicked his tongue and tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear. “Smile Elodie wouldn’t want to cause a scene during the most important night of the year.” He stepped back expression gleeful as he studied me. “Go have some food, you’ll need all your energy if you want to survive what’s to come.”
Then he turned on his heel back into the throes of the party.
The party seemed to come into sharp focus the music drowning my senses as I took in a lungful of air and held it.
I wasn’t the beloved daughter of anything nyx, even my own mother had abandoned me the moment she could. Closing my eyes I took another shaking breath. Maybe that foolish hope had never died, the one that insisted on twisting my mind and making me think I had even the tiniest of spaces within my family.
“You’re in the way.” The overly feminine voice pricked my ears and I opened my eyes to find a disgruntled looking woman levering me with a severe look. She was an Alpha the pheromones rolling from her emanating a potent power I could recognize.
With a stiff nod I side stepped her inching my way over to a side wall heaving a shaky breathe as my back flushed against the wall.
Maybe I’d always assumed I’d run away someday, run through the forest until I found a human town. I’d settle there and live a good life away from the turbulence pack living had only ever given me. Maybe I’d mistaken my fathers lack of involvement for something more than it was, indifference.
Cold realty settled into my shoulders and I closed my eyes to keep the bile at bay.