When I was younger, I spent a lot of time trying to get my family to like me. I cooked, I cleaned, I did every errand and every chore. If anything hurt I kept it to myself. But the reality is I couldn’t change what I was, the truth was on my skin like a brand. A constant reminder that I would never belong. That I couldn’t.
Cursed and defective. It was a wonder I made it so long.
So, as I grew older, I learned to ignore the ache in my chest whenever I saw Selene smiling at her son or my father holding her. It didn’t matter that I wasn’t part of their pretty picture. Someday I’d find where I belonged.
I was a fool.
“You look quite lonely all alone back here.” He’s one of the men Asher introduced me to. Though I used that word lightly. He was about as tall as my father with deeply graying hair on the top of his head and sharp eyes the color of pine as he studied me lasciviously. “Adam Kaufman. What an honor to speak with you one-on-one.”
I fought the urge to cross my arms numbly, recognizing that the tight bodice would not help my situation.
The urge to go home swelled inside my chest. Not that place I grew up in but that fictional place I’d been constructing in my head. The place where I was happy.
“My brother's saying hello to his friends.” I straightened my spine, casting a long look through the crowd hoping to spot a familiar blonde mop of hair. As much joy as Asher got from ‘seeing me squirm’, he wouldn’t let a random alpha simply do as he wished.
“Yes, I passed him on my way here. Interesting young man. He’ll make a fine pack alpha someday.” Adam hummed the sound twinged with a low rumble from his wolf.
Interesting was one way to put it. If my childhood was anything to go by the pack was in for a rude awakening. Rubbing at my side, I smoothed away a phantom pain.
His eyes tracked the movement.
“How about we get out of here? You look like you could use a break we can go to one of the rooms.” He gave what should have been a disarming smile but it only raised my hackles. “I’ll get one of the waiters to bring you food.”
At the mention of food my stomach grumbled and he smiled like a cat with a canary.
“I’m good. I should wait for Asher.”
Usually, invoking the devils name was enough to get people to stop messing with me whenever things were getting out of hand. It worked all through high school since for the most part people couldn’t really tell what our relationship was like. Their momentary shock was plenty of time for me to start running, and sometimes that was enough.
“I’ll have someone tell him you’re with me. I’m sure he’ll be happy to know we’re getting along.” That smile was back as Adam stepped closer. “Shall we?”
“I’m good.” Silently I applauded myself for how sure my voice sounded. My pride quickly deflated as a look of annoyance crossed his face
He grabbed my arm and tugged me forward.
A sharp growl pierced the air and I was yanked firmly back my feet tripping over one another and strong hands steadied me.
My brain short circuited.
I was on the taller side still the stranger dwarfed me his broad shoulders rigid with untamed tension I traced the lines of muscle visible beneath his shirt the pressed fabric had been rolled up over corded forearms and I found it impossible not to stare. Sharp jawline clenched as his obsidian eyes watched me dark inky strands fell over his thick brows. For a moment it was just me and him, as crazy as it sounded. Distantly I knew Adam was behind him no doubt fuming at the interruption.
But it didn’t matter what that brazen alpha thought because when this mans eyes were on me everything seemed to steady.
“Are you alright, cariño.” his voice was deep the low sound ending on a soothing rumble that had my insides fluttering. Thick fingers traced my forearm where Adam had gripped me I trailed the action with my eyes my breath falling short. “Hmm?”
Oh, he wanted an answer. “Y-yes.” I stuttered my eyes flicking back to his dark ones as they danced over my face
He studied me like you would a piece of art—reverently.
I wondered if I was melting my body suddenly heating as a blush spread over my chest down to my toes.
“Excuse me, we were in the middle of—”
The man let out a warning growl so sharp it sent a shiver down my spine. I blinked at him the corners of his lips turned upward in an almost smile that stole my breath again.
“Do you want to talk to him?” He asked that barely contained tension stiffened his shoulders.
I shook my head and he relaxed ever so slightly.
“Theres no violence in the grand hall.” He muttered mostly to himself as if he needed the reminder. He turned to face Adam and that tension returned. I realized from my time at the training center he was holding himself back.
But why?
And why wasn’t I moving.
“Kaufman,” he growled. “Still finding perverse pleasure in cornering young women.”
My brain short circuited again. I shifted to see around his massive frame catching the blank look on Adam’s face.
He scoffed, “Dominic De Leon, the valiant martyr. We were simply having a friendly conversation.”
Surprising myself I scoffed, “You were trying to drag me into some back room. Not very friendly.”
Dominic—the man who’d placed himself between us—snarled the sound so jolting those around us quickly bared their necks. I realized that after his first threat the grand hall had stopped to pay attention. Curious eyes watching us had turned fearful as the man in front of me continued to emit Alpha prowess that would turn any wolf into a submissive blubbering fool.
“That true?” He asked his thick accent warping his growl.
Kaufman was sweating a trail starting from his forehead. He wasn’t as confident as he tried to seem.
Somewhere inside me a spark emerged sending a thrill down my spine. He was mad at Kaufman on my behalf. No one had ever been mad at anyone for me. Something unfurled inside my chest and I realized I really liked that he was defending me.
“Now now boys.” A woman clapped her hands as she stepped towards us. She was gorgeous in a dangerous way her sleek bob combed away from her angular face she smiled serenely at the two alphas. “Must I remind you of the rules of this gala.” Her green eyes flicked to me and widened fractionally before returning to their serenity. “Elodie. What a rare sight.”
I flinched shifting on my feet, “Vivian.”
I didn’t like her. Hadn’t ever. She used to visit packlands regularly, her eyes always lingering on me for too long. Like she could see through me and into my very soul.
It was unnerving as a child, and it wasn’t any better in the middle of the royal gala.
“Elodie, why don’t you and your friend head out for some air. I’ll deal with Mr. Kaufman.” She grinned at me before shifting her gaze to the two alphas.
Glancing at Dominic I realized his wolf was still growling low and threateningly as he glared at Adam. He seemed about two seconds from swinging to I decided to do as Vivian asked.
Shyly, I gripped the fabric of his sleeve and tugged slightly. His dark eyes immediately flicked to me. The growling muted to a rumble as he grinned at me.
Seriously. What was happening?