Fight with the Lord of Fear

1918 Words
Tom cast the Walk of Caution spell and ran into the hall with the dragon. The clone could not shake the feeling of admiration for the magnificent and formidable creature that the friends are forced to kill. Within seconds the phantom ran up to the large body and struck the most powerful blow of his skill collection. Rage of Ars. Clong. The steel of the blade rang against the dragon's sturdy scales, and in the next instant, Tom froze. He could not move. There was a hot emptiness in his head as if the dragon's evil breath had swept away all thought. The dragon quickly turned its jaws toward the troublemaker and bit the clone on the head. The monster didn't have time to enjoy its victory. Its powerful fangs pierced the warrior's armor and body, and he died almost instantly. The dragon's jaws slammed shut and the monster saw the sword and armor of its abuser fall to the floor of the room. At that moment, Dan had already activated a new Phantom spell. Next to the man appeared the figure of a new warrior who was ready and rushed into a suicidal attack. The clone quickly snatched the new sword from the young man's hand and cast a cloaking spell. Raven drew another sword from his inventory and began to listen to the sounds that came from the dragon room. The beast began to behave restlessly. The pounding of its tail on the floor disturbed the swordsman's understanding of the main thing. Dan did not hear the sound of a sword striking. For a moment it seemed to him that in the symphony of noises the sound of metal hitting a stone was added. The man applied the phantom summons again. The clone snatched the sword from his friend's hand and immediately became invisible. Dan grimaced. It turned out to be an unpleasant and abnormal duel. He couldn't see what was going on in the hall. But one thing he understood well. The dragon was going on a rampage! The banging of its tail and wings on the walls and floor was joined by the monster's menacing roar. The dragon realized that an unpleasant intrusion was taking place. Tom ran toward the monster's body and chose a place where it would be convenient to strike. This time he got a chance to make a couple of attacks. Rage of Ars and a new swing of the sword in time to apply the vampire swordsman skill. Cut of Kornelius! The phantom managed to make two strikes and again his body was destroyed in an instant. The dragon felt pain in his right hind paw. The monster struck with its wing and pierced the figure of the vile offender with its claw. A quick fling of its large head on a long neck finished off its enemy. The fangs of its mouth dug into the foe's body. The dragon managed to experience a moment of satisfaction. This time it managed to bite the rascal. A few seconds ago, the nasty intruder and coward had simply vanished into thin air after inflicting pain. Tom appeared beside Dan and winked at him. "Count to ten and summon a new phantom," the clone quickly shouted and disappeared. Dan began a quick countdown. He retrieved the new sword from his inventory and held it out with the hilt forward so that his friend could grasp the weapon at once. When the man finished the countdown he summoned a new phantom. "All right! Two strikes!" Tom drew his sword and applied the cloak. He was pleased with the progress of the battle. It took him a couple of seconds to reach the dragon and the monster gave no more than a second to launch two attacks. The clone had no defense and even one dragon attack killed the enemy. A flick of the head and its jaws clamped down on the offender's body! Several powerful fangs simultaneously pierced the body and each fang dealt 400 points of damage. Each phantom had an exact copy of the summoner's build; 1700 health points proved insufficient against such a monster's attack. The simultaneous bite of several teeth destroyed an enemy's life in an instant. This was the first time the friends had ever met such an adversary. But nothing changed for them in this adventure. The calculation of winning the battle was based on multiple attacks with a single powerful blow. Dan was able to land 105 strikes and deal over 20,000 points of damage. Suddenly the young man heard the noise in the hall stop and the dragon's voice roared through the room. "Stop, mage! I surrender and am ready to become your servant! Don't kill me!" Dan did not have time to understand the meaning of the dragon's words and summoned a new phantom. Tom picked up his sword but was in no hurry to run towards his enemy. "I could kill you in seconds! I don't believe you. Dragons don't serve humans," Tom shouted. "I don't know who the humans are. I am willing to swear an oath of eternal service to my conqueror! I do not want to die. Mage, my revival lasts forever. I am ready to fight beside you and for your interests! I am tired of being imprisoned in this cursed place," Lord of Fear roared his offer and hoped with horror that the treacherous mage would accept it. This vicious and merciless mage was able to almost destroy life and the dragon clearly understood that he would not be able to survive several attacks from the enemy. "Of course, this trickster is now taking advantage of the respite to regain some health and be able to use a couple of his main skills again. What do you think of his proposal?" Tom winked at his friend. "Do we need a dragon?" "I don't see how we can control him. I mean, he's as big as an airplane. What kind of nonsense is that? I want a dragon. But I don't understand what to do," Dan whispered his confession quickly. The thought of an alliance with this monster was not settled in his mind. "Dan, calm down. We can destroy him now anyway. Even if he regains full health. I can't make a decision. You're not seeing the main thing! We have a quest. We need to kill this boss. No dragon death, no way out of this place! I'm modestly keeping quiet about the rewards for completing the quest," the clone quietly clarified the problem. Tom turned his head toward the monster hall and reported the main problem to the monster. "Dragon, we can't negotiate! I have an order. Quest Details: Kill the Lord of Fear dragon and clear the castle of Zangar location. Bring the head of the dragon as proof of the victory. I am interested in your offer and I need strong new allies. But until I complete my mission, I cannot leave the castle. I don't want to stay in this place forever." "Treacherous mage! Thank you for stopping to wound me. You have strong warriors who fight for your interests. You do not have the wisdom that is given to me. This place has become my trap! I repeat my offer. I need a treaty! Accept my loyalty and service. I can perform the ancient rituals and craftsmanship of my kind. You will have the opportunity to kill my body. But my eternal soul will not go to eternal imprisonment. A dragon can create shelter for his soul. You will keep my soul and summon me when necessary. Do you understand me? Make the treaty and you will have an ally. My death will lose meaning. You will sacrifice my body to the protectors of my kind. You may take the head to show proof of victory." The dragon was silent and waited for the insidious victor to answer. Dan understood half of the ancient monster's talk. But he did not believe the monster's statements. The world is simple! There are people and other sentient creatures who fight monsters. Players do not negotiate with monsters. What is this ancient dragon magic? A trick and a trap! Tom scratched his chin. He looked at the hobbits who stood against the wall and listened intently to the dragon's words. "Sacrifice to the patrons of the kind. The soul receives shelter. Eternal service. Doesn't that remind you of anything, braves?" Tom wagged his finger at the two cunning fellows and stopped paying attention to the pair of strange and enigmatic allies. "You think the ancient Grand Magister of Magic ended up in a place like this and was able to make a treaty with a hobbit bloodline?" Dan looked at the two sly fighters with renewed interest. "I don't think. I must have facts to think about. I must have the knowledge to manipulate them. Don't distract me. I'm almost ready to offer a solution," Tom put his sword away in its sheath. "I'll go to the hall and we'll see what this monster's true desire is. If he kills me immediately summon a new phantom and we'll finish this beast off. I'm sorry, but you don't have to go to this negotiation." "Thanks for the offer," laughed Dan. "I have no desire to get into the mouth of that monster. He bit you like a piece of meat. Creepy and nightmarish. Terrific power of the attack. I don't feel good with this game." Dan opened the store and bought a bottle of water to drink in peace and try to get his senses in order. One of the hobbits snorted a sigh. The young man looked at the brave one with a smile. "It's a strange battle. We're like a picnic in a nasty place. Eat and drink beer. You won't have to prove your bravery today," Raven quickly bought the hobbits a couple of pitchers of beer and two pieces of meat. Tom walked toward the ancient monster and stared in wonder at the eyes on the monster's huge muzzle. They were the eyes of an intelligent and wise creature. There was a calmness in the monster's blue eyes. The dragon's muzzle made an unpleasant impression. It was covered in blood, and the phantom was well aware that it was his blood. "Greetings, dragon Lord of Fear. I am a warrior in the service of a mage. We are ready to discuss the treaty further. We do not understand all the details of this treaty. You are a great ancient creature. We are but pitiful bugs compared to you. Unfortunately for you, we have the opportunity to destroy you. I hope that our treaty will benefit you as well. May I clarify the details of our alliance?" "Greetings to you, the warrior with no memory of kin. Unlike you, I am confident that I can retain my personality and wisdom after death. Ask your questions. My wounds are not healing fast enough. A perfectly healthy body is desirable for my ritual," a strange expression of sadness flashed in the dragon's eyes. "No problem. I'm willing to expend my magical powers to help you heal. I love the opportunity to have an ally like you. The wisdom and personality of an ancient creature of great lineage is a powerful reinforcement in a world full of complications," the clone began to quickly cast a healing spell. He had plenty of mana. Tom had even more questions.
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