Overlords of the City

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The baron's absence was quickly noticed. Many citizens came to their guilds to exercise the right to visit the mines of Zagran and perform missions to free valuable places from monsters. But all the experts were disappointed. Unpleasant news greeted the gold and fame seekers. All Zagran locations have become inaccessible! Miners have lost the opportunity to extract valuable resources. Clans have lost the opportunity to complete missions. Many clans paid for their warriors' journey in advance and made gifts to their neighbors. The reaction of the vampires of the Kor clan was most unexpected. Counselor Kornelius made a challenge to all the heads of the ancient clans and lineages of Grossroads. Thirty-four of the highest-ranking Grossroads persons rushed to the City Council building. Kornelius wasted no time in vain and voiced his grievances. "Everyone knows that the head of the Grab clan has organized the murder of Baron Raven. The Baron is missing. He has not been revived! The daughter of the Kor clan performed her duties at Zangar Castle. She had served the benefit of the whole city. Now she's become a prisoner of the castle. No one can enter the places of Zangar. She cannot leave the castle. I accuse the Count of Grograb. The gnomes of the Clan Grab are forfeiting their right to deal with the children of the Night. I demand the return of the gnome Gnograb as head of the clan. With this respected and wise gnome, the vampires can discuss compensation and further cooperation," the vampire turned toward the angry Grograb. "You lost your mind while you were a prisoner in Zangar Castle. Did you imagine you could bring back the old days? I challenge you to a duel. Anytime, anywhere." The city's oldest rulers shook their heads. Kornelius had acted too aggressively. But suddenly the head of the Eternal Pine clan spoke up. Elf Elgolas stood up and made a statement in a quiet but stern voice. "Eternal Pine supports the claims of the vampires. All gnomes forfeit access to the resources of the elves of my clan. I repeat. All gnomes of the city are denied access to the territory of the elves of Grossroads. You can't negotiate and you're letting this ancient loser cause confusion in our ranks. This is no way to do business. The days of quarrels and aggression are a thing of the past. Count Grograb decided to have some fun and remind us of the old days? Good. The elves are ready to renounce their ties with the gnomes. I speak for the five elven clans. Pine, Willow, Oak, Ash, and Birch. Our domains are closed to the gnomes." The council chamber became quiet. The six gnome elders looked at Grograb, who had caused terrible trouble. The gnomes were in danger of losing vast sums of gold. "I express my displeasure to King Arador," growled the old orc. The leader of the Red Axe tribe had his interests in the alliance with the vampires. Dhroll was not the first orc to try to learn new spells from vampires. The young knucklehead turned out to be a bad student. But it didn't matter. Orcs never betrayed their allies."Humans and gnomes of the Grab clan lose the support of the Red Axe tribe.  The orcs are ready to discuss compensation with the gnome Gnograb and the king of Arador." "The kingdom is not responsible for the activities of a single subject," smiled King Arador. "Explain the nature of your insulting claims?" "I don't care about your subjects. Are you incapable of seeing the difference between a subject and the owner of Zangar? Then you are a bad king. Don't understand the ancient rules of Grossroads? We'll teach you to respect the ancient laws of this place," growled the orc. "I challenge you to a duel!" The fat, gray-haired mouse with a patch over one eye laughed loudly. "A fine challenge, Dhorrodan. The Goldie King is in no hurry to bring order to the city. Humans are acting like savages. We all benefit from the actions of these wretched savages. It is time for us to come to our senses. We are disgracing ourselves in the pursuit of miserable profits. I propose that Queen Gemma be summoned to become the overlord of the humans. She has a drop of blood and wisdom from the ancient Grossroads bloodline, and she will teach her subjects order. I detest dealing with savages and criminals who have no respect for the laws of Grossroads." "Right! King Arador is a bad overlord for the Goldies." "Goldie's are a disgrace to the citizenship status of Grossroads." "We must consider a change of power in the palace of humans! Queen Gemma has the blood of an ancient elven bloodline! She will be able to understand the interests of the city." The smile disappeared from King Arador's face. He did not like what he heard. Any overlord of Grossroads could be replaced if most of the overlords of the city made that decision. Arador didn't think one young man could cause such a wave of trouble for his power. The gnome Grograb stood up and immediately drew attention to himself. He looked at those present with a chuckle. "Lord Kornelius, I accept the challenge. Baron Raven has committed an insult to the Grab clan. No one can deny a gnome the right to defend his honor. Don't you dare accuse me of being a troublemaker." "Lies from the mouth of a dumb loser!" Kornelius insolently interrupted the gnome's speech. Everyone froze in shock at such unceremonious insolence and impertinence. "The human has never insulted the gnome clan! He defeated the dragon. He got everything. The gnomes and all the other citizens had two thousand years to take over Zangar. Did we do it? No! I repeat for all. Count Grograb insulted everyone with his silly claims about the dragon conqueror. No one has the right to take the prey from the victor! It's an ancient law. Grograb, you will take off all your armor and put it on the ground! After your death, I want my prey!" "I bet a thousand gold coins on Kornelius' victory," tapped one mouse on the table with his paw. "I accept. The gnome will show the power of ancient mastery," one of the gnomes calmly responded. King Arador watched this madness without a smile. His tablemate clapped him on the shoulder and winked. "Great Council! With a duel of lords. Not boring. I suggest you bet on Kornelius to win," whispered the elf. "Elladan, do you find this normal?" Arador did not understand the overlords' businesslike attitude toward the duel. It seemed to him to humiliate the assembly of the city's highest rulers. "I don't like you, Arador. I want Gemma to be queen and overlord of the human race. You're kind of unfun and backward," the head of the Night Birch clan shook his head. Arador froze at such a direct and unexpected insult. "We'll talk about the change of ruler of the humans later! Let's get on with the fight!" Elgolas pounded the table with his fist. The king of the humans didn't have time to make his bid. Grograb confirmed the duel challenge. Arador found himself in an ancient amphitheater with stone benches. Three dozen creatures quickly took their seats and began shouting encouragement to their chosen ones. Kornelius began to remove his armor. The vampire stacked his equipment on the ground and placed a bag of gold on top of a small mountain of stuff. "Twelve thousand gold coins," the vampire announced loudly. Grogrub grimaced but also attached the bag of gold to his armor. By the time the duel began, the gnome was left with an ax in his hand. The duel began with a rapid approaching of the opponents and an exchange of blows. The vampire immediately seized the initiative and showed that he did not bear the title of Vampire Sword for nothing. Blood splattered in all directions. The ax inflicted terrible wounds on the vampire. But the swordsman had time to block most of the blows. The gnome did not have time to fend off the overly skillful attacks of a vampire who had spent hundreds of years in combat. Kornelius's skill was overwhelming. After the clash, everyone knew at once that the gnome was incapable of winning. Grograb roared with anger and despair. But anger and rage were not faithful helpers in this fight. A smirk of contempt lingered on the vampire's pale face. Kornelius's eyes burned with b****y light. The sword in his hands flashed so fast that some overlords did not see the swift attack. Soon the gnome's body was gone. The victor was in no hurry to retrieve his trophies. Kornelius turned to the audience. "I ask the six overlords of the Highland clans to make a decision. With the esteemed Gnograb we can restore calm to the city," the vampire turned and went to the gnome's belongings.   A few seconds later, King Arador found himself in the familiar surroundings of the Council Chamber. The overlords were tossing bags of gold across the table and laughingly discussing their successful or unsuccessful bets. Soon a vampire appeared in the hall. Kornelius looked at the staid chair. He shifted his gaze to the group of six gnomes. "Do you need time for council?" "Stop it, vampire," one of the gnomes was not afraid to start a public discussion of an unpleasant matter. "The only moment. Does anyone find the situation offensive to the folk of the gnomes?" "The case is hot and the mine almost collapsed," one of the gnomes tapped his fist on the table. "I have known you for over seven hundred years. Respect for the ancestor of the Grab clan does not diminish his guilt. Little Gnograb has managed to prove his abilities. I propose a challenge to Count Gnograb." The matter was quickly resolved and Gnograb was once again given the position of overlord in his clan. The faces of the overlords of the city turned toward King Arador. The king realized that everyone was waiting for Gnorgrab to arrive to resolve the question of ruling a human race.
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