Chapter 29

1248 Words

Tessa The next morning, I woke up with a tired body, my eyes on my mum, who was still sleeping peacefully beside me. My gaze shifted to Mr. Carter, whose eyes were still closed. I clasped my hands together, closing my eyes as I whispered a little prayer. When I opened my eyes, Mum had already woken up, her eyes on me. "Praying?" she asked, and I nodded happily. "Good," she whispered. I stood up from the bed, stretching my body tiredly. The usual morning coffee smell filled the air, and I'd love to buy some, but the fact that I would have to line up for more than 30 minutes made it frustrating. My phone suddenly rang from the stool where I had put it. "Your phone is ringing," Mum said, even though I had already heard it. I walked over to pick it up, and it was Leah calling. I had sa

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