Chapter 27

1001 Words

Tessa I watched him swallow his words and stormed out. I knew he was angry, but if he didn't want me to call him Grumpy again, he should just say his name out loud or else leave me to keep calling him by his nickname generated by me. "Tessa," I heard Mr. Samuel's voice dragging me back to reality. "What?" I raised my gaze, and he gave me a keen look as if he had an idea of what I was thinking about. "I saw those eyes," he said with a puckered mouth, and I scoffed continuously. "Which eyes?" I hissed inwardly, but he didn't get angry at me, instead, his reading face increased. "The eyes you gave to the doctor. Don't tell me you have a thing for him?" He pointed to the direction the doctor had used earlier. I quickly stood up with a loud gasp. "No, how could you say that?" I waved my

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