Chapter 14

1071 Words
Tessa I had concluded. That whatever Mr.Carter had been making me feel bad triggered a lot of things out of me. First, I ended up pleasuring myself last night after the s*x in the kitchen. I couldn't get enough. I knew it was forbidden but for once, I wanted to enjoy the experience. To discard the fear inside my heart. And right at that moment, as I sat down and watched every move of Mr. Carter in the lecture hall, one thing was running through my head. The feel of him deep inside me. Concentration was far away from me. I was more focused on our intimate encounters. The lecture was a long one. Everyone seems to have their attention on the class or maybe something else. But mine was on the man looking handsome despite his age. The man that brought me down to my knees. The man I want to have buried deep inside me. Just the thought of it made my legs quiver. I could feel the moisture building up in between my legs. “Before I round up, does anyone have any questions regarding what we discussed?” His deep voice echoed through the microphone. It reminded me of how he used it to give me dirty commands. One of the students raised a hand and asked him a question which he answered. “That will be all for today.” Before he left the hall, his eyes briefly met mine and I could swear, his lips curved up. “Damn! I can have Mr. Carter’s lecture all day without getting tired. The man is just perfect.” Leah said beside me. “He’s cute.” She grinned. That means he has a lot of crushes among his students. “Let’s go grab lunch,” Leah announced getting off from her seat. I stuffed my books into my bag and got up too. Leah and I made our way out. But as soon as I sighted him talking to someone—a woman. A different woman from the other day, something hit my chest. He’s married why can’t they stay away from him? The last woman knew he was but she still tried to throw herself at him. And now looking at the way another woman was talking to him, I won’t be surprised she was trying to hit on him. Jealousy and anger hit my chest. My mother should be the only one who has all the right to hit on him. “Can you go ahead, Leah? I need to use the restroom.” I lied. Leah looked up from her phone, eyes darting left to right before taking off. Mr. Carter was no longer standing with the woman. The last thing I saw was her disappearing figure. Scanning the surroundings, I began making my way towards his office building. I walked by a door and I saw some of the school staff, getting ready to head out. Maybe for lunch. My inside raced when I was nearly seen by one of them. I quickly rushed over to Mr. Carter’s door. With my heart thumping in my hand, I fisted my knuckles on the door and tapped my foot impatiently. The fear of someone seeing me standing at his door crept into my skin. After a short while, the door was pulled open and a surprised-looking stepfather of mine looked at me. “Tessa.” He called out. “Can I talk to you, Sir?” I muffled out, my eyes going around the hallway. He opened the door wider and I stepped in fast. However, I hadn’t even settled in properly when he hovered over me. The one that nearly faints my heart. He caged me in his arms by placing his hand on both sides of the door. When I thought he was going to kiss me, he closed off the curtain blinders. “Why are you here?” He whispered. Why did I come here? I repeated the question in my head. I knew I had come to talk to him but all of a sudden, everything disappeared in my head. “I-” I opened my mouth to speak but closed it back again. Mr. Carter’s lips curved up. “Why? You’re afraid of telling Daddy what you want?” Only if he knew how his deep voice turns me on. His deep voice makes my legs weak. Despite the heat coursing through my body from the proximity, I mustered up the strength and asked. “Are you hitting on other women?” For a brief moment, I saw his brows furrowed before he changed it back to a smirk. “Why? You don’t want me to have eyes on other women?” He questioned, his fingers crossing over my cheeks, which made my body shudder. “You are married, Sir. To my mom.” The words left my lips fast. He nodded his head. “Yes. I am. I know that. I don’t cheat in marriage.” He doesn’t cheat in marriage yet he had s*x with his stepdaughter. What does that make him? His eyes lingered on me for a while before he backed away giving me space to breathe. “I know what you’re thinking about. All these women are nothing. I assumed you saw me with a woman earlier. She is no one but my friend’s wife.” “Your friend’s wife?” I repeated. But it doesn’t look like that to me. The woman looked more like she was trying to hit on him. Maybe you’re the one overthinking it Tessa. A voice in my head rang. “Yes. Her husband told her I had gotten married so she was teasing me.” “Oh.” Was what my mouth could bluff out at his words. That means I was the one overthinking it. Great. But that doesn’t mean everything is okay right? “But didn’t you tell them you’re getting married?” I asked. I didn’t know why I was interrogating him. All of a sudden, he yanked me forward, making my hand land on his chest. “Because of this.” He whispered. My brows creased in confusion. “I know why you’re here. I will give you what you want later. Mila will work late so we will have the house to ourselves.” It doesn’t feel right yet it felt perfectly normal.
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