Chapter 7

1566 Words
Tessa "Good morning, pretty lady." Mom kissed me on my cheeks as she entered the kitchen. "What are you doing in my kitchen? And that so early in the morning." She threw an accusing eye on me. To be honest, guilt was what made me wake up so early. I couldn't take the event that happened yesterday out of my head. What happened was forbidden. A taboo that shouldn't occur but it did. And to say I have enjoyed every little pleasure he gave me on his office desk, made it worse. He's my mother's husband. Someone I should call Dad. Someone who will take care of my mother and I. Take on the role of a father. However, the attraction I felt towards him was stronger than I thought which I realized after I had begged him to f**k me. But obviously, we didn't. Because he doesn't have a condom that we would use for protection. I was left thinking about it all night alone in my room. I nearly m*********d at how turned on I still was. "I couldn't sleep so I decided to make breakfast for us today. It's just toasted bread and bacon." Mom leaned her back on the kitchen counter and folded her arms across her chest. "I'm sorry Tessa. I know it would take you some time to balance here. I know you still haven't accepted Carter as your new Dad, but trust me you will not regret it if you do. Carter is a nice man." The guilt surfaces again. I recalled his words at the office. I might be your new Dad, but as far as you don't accept me as one, we're good to go. I don't accept you as my daughter too. His words practically invaded my brain cells. At some point, I labeled it as due to the pleasure he was getting at that moment. But what if he meant what he said? I was snapped back by the touch on my arm. "Hey, the bacon is burning." She reminded. She doesn't seem to notice the faraway look in my eyes. "Let me go freshen up. When you're done, go take a shower too and get ready for school." As soon as she left the kitchen, I released a breath I didn't know I was holding. "It shall be well, Tessa. Just make sure it doesn't happen again." I tried to assure myself. I have already gotten the pleasure I imagined him giving me. There was nothing to want more. I will be fine. I should focus on my studies. However, as I heard the sexy voice of the man that nearly busted my brain in his office, resonated through my eardrums, it made my p***y twitch. How in the hell does the sound of his voice turn me on? "You're up early too." I heard my mom say. "Yes. I have two classes today and we have a board meeting." I don't know how to escape leaving the house before him. I had succeeded in dodging days back but now that we're all up early, I know I have no escape. "Tessa, are you taking forever to finish a simple breakfast!" Mom yelled from the living room. I dished everything out in three plates before making my way to the living room. I gripped the tray tightly as my eyes landed on him. He was staring directly into my eyes and every other place undressing me and making my body weaker. "Good morning." I greeted in a low voice. I could swear his lips curved up. He knew what he did. Was I the only one feeling guilty? Does it feel it too? I set a plate in front of him, set mine and mom, then proceeded to make my way up to freshen up. He had gotten ready already. Mom had gone up to her room to take a shower too. "How was your night?" I stopped in my tracks. Right at that moment, the images of the event flashed before me. I swallowed down. "It was fine." I sticked to a short reply. Before he could say anything, I fled from there. I went straight to the bathroom because I was feeling uncomfortable In my jeans due to the moisture that summoned itself with the words and memories of my encounter with him. I allowed the hot water to rush over my body. I breathe out a heavy sigh, trying to tell myself to pull it together. If I wanted my stay to be comfortable, I needed to discard any s****l attraction I have towards him. "He is my Stepdad," I assured myself. "And it's forbidden." I almost forgot that I was supposed to finish everything fast so I would arrive at school early. A gasp left my lips followed by my eyes going wide when I found him standing at my door. I was in nothing but a towel. Naked underneath. "" I stammered. He gave me the smirk he had been putting on his face since the first time we met. "To see you of course. It looks like you were pretty turned on this morning." Fuck! How did he know? I held on to my towel tightly saving myself from the embarrassment of it falling off, right in front of my Stepdad. "I am going to get ready for school." I mustered up and said, then walked to my wardrobe to fish out the outfit to wear. I thought he would take that as a cue and give me some privacy. However, my body went rigid when I felt a presence behind me. Turning around, my back was slammed to the wardrobe door, he was leaning very close to my body. My heart raced inside. And heat began coursing through my body—most especially my legs. He yanked me to him, making my palms land on his chest. His cologne filled my nostrils, nearly spinning my head. A mixture of strawberry and sandalwood. Do men use strawberry perfume too? That's weird. I didn't realize my head was pressed to his chest until his body vibrated with the laughter from him. "Why? You like how I smell?" "I—" He interrupted me by snaking his hand on my waist. The action made my heart raced. "You will smell of my cologne soon, Tes." Tes? The smirk didn't leave his face as his eyes traveled down undressing me with them. "So, you're naked underneath?" He asked himself because I obviously wouldn't answer him. I wasn't even thinking straight with him closely near me. "Did you enjoy the pleasure at my office or should I give you more this morning?" What in hell! Before I could open my mouth to answer him, I felt his hand on my thigh. How fast did he do that? I squirmed in his cage. "Mom is downstairs." I reminded him, my voice barely audible to myself. "Yes, she is." He spoke. I thought that would make him back off but he didn't. His hand went up and parted my legs. "I love how soft your skin is." He whispered to me. "It's making me want to lick the soft skin clean. To have my tongue all over." Okay, the man is officially a manwhore. Because from where did all the dirty talks come from? If I wanted what we were doing to stop, I needed to take a step and stop him. Using my hand that was resting on his chest, I lightly pushed him away. While stepping back, my towel mistakenly hooked on the wardrobe handle. A gasp escaped me when I saw it fall on the floor, leaving me standing naked in front of my stepdad. His eyes didn't move away from staring at my body. I saw the same lust that was swirling in his eyes at his office. "Your body is betraying you, Tes." He mused. "You have a pretty nice shape. Get dressed and meet us downstairs." Embarrassment hugged every cell in my body. I felt like the ground should open up and swallow me whole. I groaned, ruffling my hair in anger. By the time I returned downstairs, they were already feasting on their breakfast. I avoided looking at him by fixing my eyes on my plate of toasted bread and bacon. Until Mom decided to interrupt the silence. "Tessa, how is school so far? Have you made new friends?" She seemed excited to know about my new life. A life that was about to get void of its peace. By the man sitting next to her. "Mom!" "What? Did I ask anything bad? I only asked whether you made new friends and not whether you have a new boyfriend." I clenched my jaw and finally glanced over at him. That smirk was still on his face. I wonder whether Mom didn't notice. "I won't even allow her to have any boyfriend. It's too early for her to get distracted by unrealistic relationship." If unpredictable was a human, I would call him that. Because what the f**k. What did he mean by that? "Don't worry, Mila. She's under my care now. I will assist with everything she needs. She doesn't have to look outside. Right, Tessa?" I gripped the fork I was holding tightly. I guess things will not be as smooth as I want it to be.
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