Chapter 40

1012 Words

Tessa I stormed out of the house with tears streaming down my cheeks, despite hearing Mom's desperate calls. Her voice faded into the distance as I walked away, my feet carrying me further from the painful confrontation. My eyes brimmed with tears, obscuring my vision. I didn't care to look up, I wasn't a baby anymore, am I? I don't know why she thought she could just cage me inside. My tears grow louder with each step I took, I don't want to care if there's someone looking at me right now. My only focus was releasing the anguish within. I walked aimlessly, tears flowing unchecked. Suddenly, my head bumped into someone's chest I didn't bother to look up, rather my tears grew louder. The person tried to touch my shoulder but I resisted. "Leave me alone," I muttered, expecting the

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